March 25, 2025

VIDEO: Organic Mulching, How I Mulch My Plants

In this video, I show not only how I mulch my plants, but also why mulching is literally the key to any successful organic farm or garden

6 thoughts on “VIDEO: Organic Mulching, How I Mulch My Plants

  1. I eliminated the grass in our backyard last year to put in raised beds, so have very little grass to use as mulch, and not nearly enough leaves in our yard…would newspapers/weeds work until I build up enough compost or might I have to go buy' something? Ideas? Recommendations?

  2. Funny, I have been mulching my flowerbeds for over 20 years. Wouldn’t dare plant a flower without putting mulch (which I only knew as wood chips).around it. Haven’t been as vigorous a mulched for my veggies which I have dappled in the last few years. Mulch flowers not veg gardens lol. How backwards in order of importance. I think I started mulching them 3 years ago. Fascinating, all these changes in how we grow food. Ok, no more comments from me for at least 5 days lol.

  3. thanks so much for all that information, I am actually watching all the videos to educate myself for next spring I hope to make less mistakes and have greater harvest…I just added grass clippings and shredded leaves to my Hugelkulter raised beds and yes no tilling method I watered it in. Is there anything else that I can add like compost or garden soil or anything else? I am adding straw to cover it up to have it ready for next year.

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