I’m preparing a plan for the fall garden which means I have to tackle my huge and ridiculously unorganized seed collection. You DID want to see it. So here it is!
Our Instagram: www.instagram.com/roots_and_refuge
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My Infrequently updated blog: www.thehodgepodgedarling.blogspot.com
My Articles in Do South Magazine:http://dosouthmagazine.com/?s=jessica+sowards
Our Music is by our friend Daniel Smith
My Favorite Seed Companies:
Baker Creek: www.rareseeds.com
Seeds Now: www.seedsnow.com
MIGardener: www.migardener.com
Trade Winds Fruit: www.tradewindsfruit.com
Fruition Seeds: www.fruitionseeds.com
Uprising Organics: https://uprisingorganics.com
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Whoa! I love your seeds! Rhonda
Yes! A kids garden. I did that for my girl. Now my 23 year old did one here. That's so exciting. Oh you have to do updates for sure.
You are such an inspiration ! I love your passion and your love to garden, and to our God. I’m going to the national heirloom expo in Santa Rosa California bc of you and I can’t wait to learn even more about gardening!
I love how the kids want to be involved. And the little one just loves to eat from the garden, that's awesome
Lol. I have a box and containers too. I end up with left over seed and still have some 2012. Could they still be viable??? The seeds I plan to use for the growing season are kept in a "Pioneer Woman" 4" x 6" metal recipe box. I had a useless plasic recipe box with really heavy duty dividers. Tossed the useless container (it wouldn't even stay closed) and cut down the nice dividers to fit the 4" width and use the metal one as 4" wide, 6" long.
Every year is different.
My husband goes crazy over my hand drawings of next years garden, lol. My plan ends up in my binder. It's so challenging because of the small space. I purchase the shortest days to maturity varieties so I can do a mass harvest of a veg and replant something else. I have about 120 days in my season but use covers to extend in spring and fall. My green peppers are in one 4' x 4' bed and were soooooo slow growing that I'll need to layer my coverage of them for sure. I don't really know if I'll get any and because of them will have one less bed for garlic
We are bordered by meadow on 2 sides and I'm thinking about asking the owner if I could rent the space so I could have a few miniature goats. I would love that.
Awesome new garden idea! Kids are creative too and will probably surprise you. I had an idea to grow some of those short vined cherry tomatoes in hanging baskets. That might sell good at the farmers market. I'll be going to a "pick your own" farm for my paste tomatoes to can. Two bushels @ $18.00 a bushel. Not organic, but at least I'll have enough tomatoes. Only have 6 plants of my own. I grew the Amish paste. Next year trying Oxe Heart? Trying to save more seed this year.
I've always loved collecting seeds its a love that Ive had for more than 5 decades! I used to take the kids I've taught on seed collecting walks. We'd pick dead flowers from random plants regularly. The parents would inquire as to why their child would only pick dead flowers and take them apart.?!!
A quick question about storing your seeds, I know that this video was posted quite awhile ago but I keep referring back to it. I was told a long time ago to store my seeds in cool, dry place so I use a small refrigerator that I keep in my shed as my wife would not approve of keeping it in the refrigerator in our kitchen. I have had poor success in germinating my seeds lately and have been wondering if keeping it in the refrigerator is the cause. Any advise would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I have that same seed tin from target!
I feel your pain and excitement with overwhelmed with keeping seeds organized. It's like a winter cleaning job for me. Blessings
you should make a cubby hole closet for the seeds and label each cubby with the seeds like tomatoes beans ext. or a filing cabinet
Hey Jess! Quick tip while I'm bingeing the channel… Organize your seeds in either photo albums (the kind with pockets) or baseball/trading card organizers! Lets you keep them super organized and see everything. With a big binder and the baseball card sheets, you can even add dividers to separate them by type or season. Bless y'all!
I was on the old Alabama Gardener Channel, he had Christmas butter beans I have to buy some to plant next season. have you ever planted Christmas butter beans. Christmas butter beans.
Kid garden…all Miah's idea! YAY!
I give away a ton to my son's and dil and whoever comes alone. I have a huge binder, and I put paper pockets that help me Al p habetize. I do flowers, herbs, veggies, gourds, fruit etc. In seperate areas:)! It works well enough. I look forward to seeing your organizing plan. Mine ends up just like yours, but every spring starts off so hopeful:)!
I love when you take us through your garden and sh o w us how your different varieties are doing! I like that little currant tomato and the huge krim purple tomato!
So.. are some of your seeds old or do you just buy so many throughout the year? Do you have issues with older seeds?
Someone said they used baseball card collection files for their seed packs.

Very impressed with so many things about your channel. You might find these pouches handy to help keep your seeds organized. there is a varitey of design but with a set of big 3 ring binders i bet you could make your set up easily accessible and quick to find. Thanks for all the great content!! https://www.amazon.com/Pencil-Window-Compartments-Assorted-Colors/dp/B07D6Y1XZ9/ref=pd_bxgy_229_img_3/188-4113382-6961247?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B07D6Y1XZ9&pd_rd_r=f8e4b809-6b5d-11e9-94d4-49728df24266&pd_rd_w=YxWeF&pd_rd_wg=bbbjx&pf_rd_p=a2006322-0bc0-4db9-a08e-d168c18ce6f0&pf_rd_r=YSQ21F50EF8QBX0D0J7S&psc=1&refRID=YSQ21F50EF8QBX0D0J7S
What a sweet family you have….. and Daniel is a blessing..
My seed collection is tiny compared to yours I only have 13 packs of seeds.
this is so cool to watch and pick up on you when you start stuff. I watch all of your videos out of place. I just gobble up and consume all your stuff. to see vids with the kids garden already done and to happen upon this one where it first manifested is awesome!
♥ knowing you set up the kids' garden.
When you store your seeds is it alright to put an oxygen absorber in the container with them?
Get a photo book and each packet of seeds in their
Your numbers as in people watching you have really gone to your head!!!!
Very cool to go back and see the birth of new ideas, in this the kid garden idea was made! And the cottage garden wasn’t even there yet, now you guys have made so many improvements to the property and when you move we will be able to see so many moments just like this one where your new ideas where born
I wish I could send a photo on here as I have no other social media…. But I use a 4×6 photo box used for scrapbooking. I label each box (16 boxes) with brassicas, flowers, herbs, tea herbs, tomatoes, etc and I can put about 20 seed packets in each box. All organized and stays organized and was $20