March 22, 2025

VIDEO: Biochar Inoculation with Dan Hettinger

Biochar is an amazing substance that provides massive amounts of pore space for microbes to live and thrive. Learn how to load the biochar with healthy microbes in simple inoculation processes to meet your needs on the farm or in the garden. Biochar holds a variety of nutrients and retains water, enhancing long term fertility and soil life. Learn how biochar can be made and inoculated at home to pre-load it with ‘the right biology’ before soil application. We’ll explore a variety of easy techniques for effective biochar inoculation, including composting, vermicomposting, compost tea and more.

29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Biochar Inoculation with Dan Hettinger

  1. Hey Dan, sorry for the stupid question, but I've watched the video several times and couldn't get an answer to this question: how long do you leave the biochar soaking in the compost tea?

  2. David the good did an experiment adding just biochar to bad dead soil and got good result with his first crop … got great taste and fast… he grew turnips and radish… radish had best flavor in biochar out of all the amendments he tried… of course it needs to be replicated… and tried with a multitude of crops

  3. can you adust your PH in your tea on the acidic side to compensate for the alkaline in the char if the application is for something in the neutral PH

  4. I have a question. If you’re mass producing biochar how would you go about inoculation? Can you just mix with strong manure and liquid from runoff? Making a compost tea for 20 yards of biochar seems like a lot

  5. biochar is basically if charged is a time released fertilizer…balance acidity to alkaline and so mixing a tea from successful crop soils are the best enrichment …we quench our biochar with urine and water mixed…50/50 for the minerals then charging with compost teas and mixing with compost from successful soils and organics and green from your current lands all compost is 1/3 organic 1/3 brown and 1/3 green charging biochar and mixing into cooked composts and then add to planting beds …this rich mixture will double the sizes of your fruit and crops….

  6. I've read different in a scientific paper about leachate. Compost leachate is not very high in the NPK type of nutrients, it's basically humic acid and another type of acid I'm failing to remember. Still good stuff for plants but not high in nutrients and I haven't wanted to use my own 50 gallon drum worth of the stuff diluted with sea water to charge my bio char, I leave that to the giant composting bin next to it. I like to use the leachate diluted with well water to soak mulch layers. Plz share your own info.

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