My favorite days are ones full of family and farm! Today is just a regular day at Roots and Refuge!
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Our Music is by our friend Daniel Smith
Mentioned in this video:
My friend Lauren who will be making herbal remedies for goats:
My friend Joelene who is breeding a crazy cool line of colorful egg laying chickens:
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Thank you so much for believing in us!
Happy goats! Fun watching the planning and progress between you and your husband. And your older boy doing the filming and taking us on the farm tour was so adorable, tell him he did an awesome job! I love how kids see things differently than we do, lol!
Diotomatious earth used in feed will deworm anything and everything mammal to foul
We call ours a chicken Auschwitz
lol dude is too cute…..
Aw Asher’s tour was super cute! Good job lil man!
How are goats with ticks? My first thought about the over grown chicken yard was that there’d be ticks all over the place!
ok so how many days did it take for them to clear it ? :))
Good Job, Asher!!! Thanks for the Tour!!! I's super excited to see the Chicken Oasis, in particular the chicken swings and the natural water feature!!!
A friend of mine who used to raise goats told me that pine is a natural dewormer for goats. Can't wait to see the OASIS.
Geez I love your channel- you make me smile everyday here in Australia.
Do you use diatomaceous earth at all?
" Do they bite"?
Asher is so handsome : )
Love that the kids are involved and not afraid to take the camera!! Sweet!!
Your babies are so precious! Asher did a great job
Min 1.47 I want all the things, too, Jess!
I am your new subscriber! Love your channel.
OMG JESS AHAHAHHAHA I HATE THAT WORD TOOO!!!!!!!!! i had a serious situation go down with those little things and IM FOREVER FREAKED OUT!!!!!!!!!!!! ahahhahahah i cant even say it now……. lol. had to pause at 8:59 to tell you that HAHA
Cool tour Asher!
"Shake it!"
Asher did such a good job of videoing
I needed to see this again this morning. With all that's going on,
You guy's bring a big smile on my
Y'all warm my heart ♥️
Jess & Miah & and little BEN.
His so little,, How stinking CUTE ♥️
Aww b4 Asher was so super shy.
Your rooster looks like ours. Beautiful!