March 23, 2025

VIDEO: How to Get Free Strawberry Plants From Store Bought Strawberries

Grow your very own strawberries for free! using store bought strawberries you can get hundreds of free plants. In this video I will show you how to harvest the seeds, germinate the seeds, and the rest is easy and can be found on our “how to grow strawberries complete growing guide”. Good luck and enjoy!

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27 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Get Free Strawberry Plants From Store Bought Strawberries

  1. Wow thank you. I've been sprouting the store bought veggies, like onion, potatoes, turnip sweet potatoes for me to plant when I do my outside garden in Spring…Have not tried S berries yet…The goal is to as I said, is to not buy seedlings, and I'll never have to buy green onions again, these are all in pots in our plant room.

  2. In your video you suggest if strawberries come from outside US they will be irradiated, thereby won't grow. I researched "organic" strawberries and it appears that this does not hold true. 🙂

  3. Can you delay the process? What if you are saving seeds in the Winter? Can you store them for later starting? Can I dry them and then in Spring begin this process? I am going to try. I save seeds all year round and need to learn the different methods.

  4. I looked up this video, because my community garden neighbor has the strongest strawberry plants I have ever seen, so I asked her questions. She said her soil is the same as always, so the only thing that I could figure out was that she grew them from seed from strawberries bouth in farmers market, because her friend likes that Gaviota variety and she couldn't find to buy them as plants. Plants grown from seed are generally much more vigorous, because the ones grown from runners are essentialy clones and not as healthy or long lived.

  5. Thank You for your helpful info about what we need to look for in a seed off the strawberry to plant, would you mind sharing where I can access that information on the internet or elsewhere, appreciate it, Thank You

  6. I will be trying this even though I am quite late for our growing season here… this will be part of MY personal Victory Garden for sure ( I say VICTORY GARDEN here ) since I have finally been diagnosed as Cancer FREE 🙂 or at least in Remission 🙂 but, I am wanting to see Something growing i instead of watching any NEWS and seeing only death getting "RATINGS: 🙂 keep up the incredibly informative videos here please and have a BLESSERD DAY + 🙂

  7. Have you tried getting the seeds out the same way you did the blueberry? I think it might work a little better than picking them out with a tooth pick. Which I have did myself.

  8. The easier way to find out if seeds are good is to put the strawberries in a blender and turn it on for a few seconds. Then turn it off and wait about 30 to 60 seconds or so. The bad seeds will float to the top, the good ones will sync to the bottom

  9. I'm not certain your comment that a strawberry is a vegetable is true. A strawberry is the only fruit that has the seeds on the outside. It's called an aggregated fruit. At least that's what I remember learning when I took botany classes years ago. I rarely paid attention but that's all I remember learning..

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