March 27, 2025

VIDEO: Final Garden Tour & Harvest Summer 2018 | Week 8 | Roots and Refuge Farm

The seasons are changing, and this is our final garden tour for the Summer season of 2018!

Varieties Mentioned:
Sweet Dumpling Squash
Gouda Winter Squash
Ichiban Eggplant
Rhondda Black Giant Bean
Dr. Wyche Yellow Tomato
Malachite Box Tomato (green)
Aunt Rubys German Green
Amish Paste Tomato
Corbaci Sweet Pepper

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Our Music is by our friend Daniel Smith

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My Favorite Seed Companies:
Baker Creek:
Seeds Now:
Trade Winds Fruit:
Fruition Seeds:
Uprising Organics:

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Final Garden Tour & Harvest Summer 2018 | Week 8 | Roots and Refuge Farm

  1. Hi Jess, a little late posting to here, but, my best friend Faye freezes her tomatoes every year, then processes in the fall when she has the time. She said there is no difference in the taste. I froze mine this year, and they turned out awesome. Love, love your garden!

  2. Hi Jess! I just stubbled upon your channel last night and have been watching SO many of your videos! I am just curious to know what direction you have your raised beds facing length wise? I heard debates between putting them North/South to East/West.

  3. Good luck with ever thing Jess i have a feeling that 2019 will be a year you will never forget i feel really big news coming your way God bless you remember when one chapter of our lives closes another begins xoxoxoxoxoxo

  4. I had heard about freezing tomatoes and how easy it is to peel them afterwards. I did this and then used them in a soup and the flavor was one of the best. It's definitely a winner in my book because it's so easy and saves time when you have so much to do.

  5. I think that's the biggest tomato I've seen!  Do you have any mosquitoes issues with the standing water?  Be careful with that!  Also, I remember a guy that use to harvest Black Widow Spiders for the anit-venom and he'd always get lots in watermelon gardens!  Beware!  You could get into that, too!

  6. I ALWAYS freeze mine right off the vine. It is how my grandma and Oma(great-grandma) did it. They had dedicated freezers just for the tomatoes. So I never even knew how to skin them with out freezing them. Now I understand why my grandmas did the freezer. When you have 8 kids. You dont have time to process fresh tomatoes 10 times a summer. My husband calls my tomatoes in the freezer. Tomato rocks. I love the flavor of the frozen ones. It saves all the juice and flavor instantly. They are so good. I would love to walk through your garden and smell all the dirt and flowers and plants in the air. It is so pretty.

  7. Hi Jess, My husband and I have been following you and have learned so much by your blogs. We also live in Arkansas. We are new to homesteading and gardening. I am in the process of getting goats and rabbits but for now we have ducks, we raise Brahma chickens, and geese. We also grow elderberry on our land. Until next time Tasha

  8. Hello thank you so much for this YouTube channel you are a wealth of information I’m trying to learn how to garden on my off grid of 35 acre farm I live in south Georgia and I’ve heard you mention the difference between your growing zone 7A and 7B and I live in zone 8B and I’ve planted a lot of trees that are appropriate for zones four through eight and I’m wondering does that cover 8B because I’m on the edge?

  9. My Amana Orange seeds had poor germination rate and it was hard to even get them to move from seedlings to baby plants…..out of all the varieties I started, that one was the weirdest….still hard to say what they will do…

  10. My Orange Amana seedlings look weak, glad to hear they are not performing great for other people. Funny, I have also left the Brandy Wine out, highly overrated as a tomato in my opinion.

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