In the process of stress testing our newly installed electric fence to ensure our chickens would be safe from predators (such as foxes) our trail camera snapped some interesting and unexpected video. Trail cam used was this Bushnell seen on Amazon USA and I got mine here on eBay for Aust viewers.
Trail cam footage of a possum eating something he shouldn’t…
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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane – the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started Self Sufficient Me in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let’s get into it! Cheers, Mark
#trailcamera #selfsufficient #urbanfarming #trailcam
New subscriber. I have found your common sense gardening very helpful. I am a new gardener and I am learning as I go. I have watched more gardening tip YouTube videos than most in my research. So far I find your videos to be the most helpful. Thank you for what you do and keep up the great work!
(Random chicken outside pecking something in the ground , when suddenly, in the corner, she find what happened to Gertrudes)
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I would never guess that was an Opossum. Looks nothing like our's. Though maybe your's is literally named Possum and not Opossum? Despite none of us pronouncing the O.
"It works on our own dog" :))))
They don't eat baby humans just baby animals like cats and dogs
Could you lower the tape to possum height!
I am in a bad place and having a bad night. I turn to this channel after all others have left me be. Apologies. I am an idiot. My entire garden was trashed today. I am not smart.
These guys are no joke! If they can get to your veggies they will show no mercy. Lost a whole crop about a week ago due to a small gap in the wire tunnel covering my leafy greens. I have to be honest, my thoughts turned to homicide for a moment there. The only solution is to go hard on the plant protection. As soon as a single leaf is spotted growing outside the cage, it will be chomped. But they are such cute furry little critters (said through clenched teeth)
Opossums do eat small rabbits. I lost many small rabbits do to Opossums.
Now I have an electric fence. Hopefully this works.
at the bottom hole there that he sneaks through, perhaps you could wind some regular wire diagonally through each of the squares to make them into smaller triangles. Or run the electric part just a tiny bit lower?
You have the fence grids entirety too far apart so it squeezed between to avoid the tape!
Isnt the point to keep them out? Can you not lower the fence?
Thats not a possum
i have sooo many possums and they have broken in and killed my chickens
i would love to see more on how to deter them
lol… I’m pretty sure that when it says eggs and babies, they are referring to baby birds and chicks. An opossum got into our coop while the chickens were feee-ranging and it killed our 18 pound White Orpington rooster. I’m sure the rooster went after him though because, we’d seen him charge hawks that tried to get his hens and ground hogs on several occasions.
Now there’s something interesting to follow !
Wouldn't chicken mesh be better that pig wire fencing? Then they wouldn't fit through
I think a rifle would be cheaper than the fence,and decidedly more efficient !!
You know there are breeds of dogs that are bred to be farm hands, guards and fox killers
Fight nature with nature
What's moral of the video? Please make serious videos.
Our O'possums in North Carolina (USA) eat chickens……
Maybe a possum ate your baby…..
Cheeky buggar! Just slipped right through. Looks like a weasel
that looks nothing like our opossums in the states! how about putting wood at the bottom of the fence so he has to climb over it to get in?
Exactly. A possum devoured 2 of my baby chicks, caught him the next night and relocated it.
I see people complaining about wild animals getting their animals all the time, one thing most aren't smart enough to realize is the fact that LIGHTING will solve 95% of your problem, instead the idiots put their chickens in a place that is dark as hell all night, I don't get it. I simply have a small wattage LED FLOOD LIGHT that comes on at night and it keeps predators away, it's not rocket science. Also a smart person would not house their chickens a full football field away from their own home. I have never lost one single chicken, ever, and all I do is keep it well lit and it's near the house, problem solved. You have to be an idiot to put chickens out in the wilderness in total darkness and expect predators to leave them alone.
Ah I can hear them climbing the trees at night, then some screeches accompanying by flapping wings and then silence. I think they are eating the eggs out of the nests in my trees
The problem with el-fences is that they have too few electric cables/wires build in, and they are too open (too much space) between the cables/wires.