SQUASH Garden BLOSSOMS Flowers, All WHAT you NEED to KNOW about them…
This includes. Identifying male & female squash blossoms. How to Hand pollinate squash. How you, can you eat squash blossoms. Fully EDIBLE. this will surely help gardening for beginners
wow, never knew this, I grow squash in my garden almost every year and just let it go crazy, I end up getting some great squash but I this would be much more effective when I spread out my plants
Great video, you may have solved my problem!
How month grow
Are all squash flowers edible?
Great video, thank you!
This is my 1st quash garden and my 1st bloom came and fell off very early before the plant got many leaves what did I do wrong? I learned a lot from your video and will subscribe Thank you
In mexico we make the squash flowers in quesadillas, so yummy!
I cannot believe you purposely destroyed squash. How wasteful! I ONLY utilize the males, after the female opens up. Then I prune the squash plant to encourage new growth, and prevent pests & diseases. The two squash you wasted could have fed starving children or homeless people. You MUST be a Californicator.
You can teach without wasting. And you can eat the male flowers, after cutting & pollinating. Use the male squash flowers in stir-fry or in salads. They are a sweet tasting addition to foods. People can learn without destroying what you grow. Some people are actually intelligent, so they don't need to see a food plant destroyed to make a point. Just saying.
Thank you for the information. Do you always have a mix of female and male flowers in a plant? New gardner here, have plenty of blooms. Didn't know this about the flowers. So I may not get any squash! Sad.
Thank you for showing me how to eat my squash flowers
Thank you!
This was a great video! I love that the content was ALL informative and visual. I'm a fairly new (small) gardener and am soaking up everything I can find – this has been my favorite so far! Liked and fully subscribed w/ bells!
Amazing thank
Thank you for your information. I am not getting enough male flowers to hand pollinate, therefore, losing my zucchini. Any suggestions?
Do you wait until you have a bunch of pollinated females before you harvest the male flowers for eating?
Thanks for education
I have discovered that cucumber beetles like to hang out in the male flowers. It’s a great way to trap them. Look for the male flowers that have opened up at least once, the tip will be wispy and curled. The new unopened ones will not have any insects in them.
Nice!!! Thank you very much for sharing! My German shepherd puppy has been eating these,Not happy i was!But now i know why :)))
Where can you buy these squash blossom? I tried to go to Walmart, Kroger, Publix and local farmer market but couldn't find it! Please help!
Awesome as always, thanks for the recipe's as well!!
Very helpful. Thank you and thanks for the culinary tips using the squash blossoms. I'll subscribe since you sound like you know your subject.
Thank you for the recipes and the very detailed way to fertilize Zucchini Squash.
World of info ….. can’t thank you enough!
Happy gardening
I grow the squash as much for the blossoms as the fruit. Stuff them with ricotta and mozzarella and fry them up like tempura. They are the very best this way. Remember to pick often or the squash will get too big and pithy. If you don’t pick them they will stop setting flowers and possibly die.
How do you get rid of the ants that are eating the squash and the female flower
I was wondering if you could just eat the flower. I hate cooking!
Absolutely great video! Very informative and showing everything so well to a very new gardener. Thank you!