September 28, 2024

VIDEO: Ripping Out the Not So Secret Garden | VLOG | Roots and Refuge Farm

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24 thoughts on “VIDEO: Ripping Out the Not So Secret Garden | VLOG | Roots and Refuge Farm

  1. Jess I so look forward to seeing your videos just have his way about you that radiates happiness & joy & your smile is contagious-God bless..❤️❤️

  2. Just found you channel and timing couldn't be more perfect. I'm a new gardener to edibles this was my first spring garden. I've had ornamentals I planted, roses, geraniums but edibles, last fall I guess you could say was really my first edibles, garlic, kale and strawberries. This was a difficult spring and summer, we had many 100+ practically no rain. I had a few tomatoes, cucumbers, the one jalapeño pepper plant looks ok, I've seen it bloom but not produced a pepper yet, I don't think it will. I saw your video addressing the new gardener, yep that's me I said. 😉 I'm in my late 50s, I wish now I had garden edibles along with the ornamentals way back then, all that I could've learned all those years that I'm just learning now. I appreciate you, your videos and passing along what you learn in your garden, thank you Jess and God Bless!

  3. Hey, I paused the video at 8:25 to read the article you had written. First, I hadn't gotten too far before I decided you wrote well, by the end I was so charmed by your story of childhood dreams, skills at writing, your innocent love for the beauty of your today's garden as the winter's longing would one day come. I just wanted you to know.. 😀

  4. I hear you about pulling plants ….. I have a hard time pulling them when they are exhausted, or even when you know they are just not going to amount to much ~8^) Take care.

  5. Dear Jessica,

    First and foremost, Father bless you and all of yours! I just read your article and would have let myself cry if my little ones weren't asking me to, "Look!" The Secret Garden was one of my childhood favorites, but you really went there with your own experience in comparison..BRAVA!!! That was one of the most relative and heart-telling stories, (both yours and TSG,) that will stay with me forever. Thank you for taking the time to be with Him while in your garden. This year, well, technically last fall was my first year gardening. I turned 33 in late June, which reminds me… I have been binge watching your videos the past 2 days and came across you talking about UMAMI & the MSG factor, THIS IS HOW HE WORKS! I'll have a question about something… So, July 20th, I was listening to a video that mentioned UMAMI. I wrote down an entry about this on an index card and keep it next to my desk in the window of my office/studio. As you talked about it, I looked over at the random note I had made. Just interesting, I think. Anywho, I began making gardening videos on my channel this spring and add original music when inspired. What you have done for so many by sharing your Secret Garden has improved our world like Johnny Appleseed. You have planted seeds in many forums online, as have I of LOVE. I cannot thank you enough for this growing gift of intelligence, strength, wisdom, patience, kindness.. you're inspiring this mama and others more than you'll ever know. I truly love you and pray for you and your family.

    Forever Your Friend & Sister In Christ,


  6. Hey Jess! I'll get a copy of this magazine. I know that I have recommended Amish Snap Peas before but I am doing it again . I got my seed from SSE but I think BC sells them too. You'll need an 8 ft trellis as they grow really tall. They are the best tasting of all the varieties that I have grown.

  7. January 3rd
    My tomatoes were still fruiting and happy. This last week has frozen several times. I covered them up each evening with cardboard and blankets got more tomayoes but think last night was just too much even though covered. Lost the 6 zucchinis. Plants on the 1st night but the chinis are still green amongst dead black sad leaves. It is a tough sight ans sad as they are like family and have fed us.

  8. My dad had one of her on the side screen door. No one used that door and she was there to catch the bugs drawn by the light. Dad would catch bugs to feed her and she blessed him with 2 egg sacks. The next year there were 2 spiders that came to call that door home. He also fed them.

  9. I'm also in love with all your vlogs! I'm creating a new big space garden this year, am in a zone 7b/8a on Vancouver Island in BC Canada and have learned sooooo much from watching. I would love to see a vlog on how you compost though. I have not found a dedicated one in your list. I realize it would be on a much greater scale than what I am needing but appreciated

  10. She is a BEAUTY!!! They are known for their beautiful webs! If you have one in your garden…the "old timers" called you lucky! I had one that returned to my garden every year for 4 years. Her web was SO IMPRESSIVE and her "writing" was beautiful! I'll admit, they are SO BIG and a little creepy…but completely harmless! Love all your videos!

  11. I live in Northern Ireland and here we have to grow our tomatoes in a greenhouse, when it comes to the stage of removing plants I wrap the unripe tomatoes in newspapers and I put them in a warm dark place and check them every few weeks and they ripen beautifully

  12. I love watching you and your family. I was sitting here watching and realized that I had a smile on my face during the entire thing…that feels good.

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