March 17, 2025

20 thoughts on “VIDEO: Garden Harvest July 31st 2018

  1. You really gotta use mesh on your brassicas. The moths will kill them every time if you don't use pesticides. Cover 'em up with some enviromesh and you'll have wonderful sprouts!

  2. You have one of the most productive gardens I've seen this year. What a blessing to be able to have fresh homegrown vegetables for the coming seasons stored away. All your hard work has definitely paid off. Thanks for sharing your results of each harvest. It gives us an idea of what can be gained from growing it yourself. Hope y'all have a great weekend!

  3. Very nice harvests there Lea!! Very awesome on the brussell sprouts!!
    My tomatoes have about played out but i reckon ill give them another week or two.
    My blue lake pole beans are FINALLY showing signs of producing!!
    Now if i could get my long yard beans on board with them!! Happy Gardening!!
    Have a good'nnn

  4. In the UK, sprouts are more of a winter crop, and no Christmas dinner is complete without them.
    We can get the whole plant in stores. They just pull the whole plant, and trim the leaves and roots. No need to pick the individual sprouts.

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