A follow-up to Small Garden of June, see how summer plantings of beans, kale, beetroot, carrots, leeks and salads have grown. Plus how the outdoor tomatoes are ripening already, early for this temperate climate, zone 8. Kale protected from caterpillars by Bacillus thuringiensis soil bacteria.
See how I cleared this area of weeds and made beds in November 2012 https://www.charlesdowding.co.uk/learn/small-garden/
This area has paving slabs in the soil, the neighbour’s shrubs with moisture-sucking roots, slugs in the edges, and shade from buildings. See episode (1) for those details https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUMbt6tLAd0
Harvests in the first two videos were from plantings made in August and September. As crops finish, I twist out plants and spread 3-4cm/1.5in compost on beds, then they are ready for spring plantings. The no dig method means preparation is quick and easy, plus there are only a few weeds you need to pull.
I raise plants in a greenhouse to set out as 4-5 week old seedlings: the only direct sowing of seed is carrots. See episode (3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUnjREcfkbg.
In winter we enjoyed occasional harvests, then I aim to pick a diverse range of veg, say three daily from late April to November. The next video shows this garden in early autumn.
Videography, edit and the musical content created by Josh Rogers, who is also working and learning here this year. He is @i_am_josh_rogers on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVB-piGGROzPd9TQVay7ynQ
More about veg growing and no dig on my website https://www.charlesdowding.co.uk/
Follow me on Twitter @charlesdowding and Instagram charles_dowding
I have written many books on easier + quicker ways to grow vegetables, and you can buy signed copies from my website shop https://www.charlesdowding.co.uk/prod…, discounted price.
More about veg growing and no dig on my website https://www.charlesdowding.co.uk/
I have two online courses which include hundreds of photos and exclusive video content, for more information go to https://charlesdowding.co.uk/product-category/online-courses/
I have too many slugs in my lettuce garden… What can I do to prevent these little molusc????
Obrigada por compartilhar conosco seus conhecimentos. Mora no Brasil e aqui não tem geada e sim muito Sol.
You have such a beautiful garden. I can't wait to have one as big as that. I just got my fall seedlings all planted and ready to go into the Garden in a few weeks. Thanks for sharing yours
I've had serious problems with leek moths the last three years. They've done serious damage to all my alliums and not just the leeks.
@charles dowding I'm deeply envious of the lettuce crop, i seem to not be able to mature a single lettuce head! bolting is the one issue affecting most of all the planted out specimen, but even starting new plants was painfully difficult during the heat of the months (!) past: i put the tray with the seeds in the basement under a growlamp, since this is the only place in the apartment under 20°C. yet the result was poorly, the frisée didn't show at all, no iceberg either, no lollos! i might start again, if the heat will finally let off later this week, or maybe next week, but still… btw. i was equally surprised about the watering needs of all beans, but i was there when it happened, and didnot get caught out … too much….
what do you reckon, can one still start onions for sets now?
My garden is a building site due to home renovations. These small garden videos give me hope for next year!
Looking beautiful! How do you water through the cloth? Do you pull it back, or do you spray on top? Curious because for my raised beds next year, i will be using a standing sprinkler which will spray overhead in the early morning. Not ideal, but i dont have a spigot anywhere close and will be running a hose and have it all on a timer. Necessary because we just dont get any rain at all here in the summer.
Thank you Charles. Dans mon jardin c'est l'abondance! ici il fait très chaud nous arrosons tous les jours et tous les deux jours dans les serres. Le seul problème c'est que les laitues n'aiment pas la chaleur et ont tendance à monter en graines. Nous avons même des melons dans les serres et dehors aussi du piel de sapo, on a ramassé les premières feuilles de chou kale (80 plantes violettes et vertes) pour faire des chips de chou kale au déshydrateur. Le composte est vraiment tassé à présent même si la taupe soulève ! Nous avons tellement de légumes que j'en vends à mes collègues. Merci de partager votre méthode avec tout le monde j'ai le plus beau jardin du village et surtout le plus généreux.
LOL Dwoding's garden sucks! I'd prefer poisonous rhubarb and bolted mustard spinach,with a dash of stink bugs. No. I love Charles' videos
charles, im new at this of botany and making my very own harvest, the trouble is i have like this pumpkin in argentina we call zapallo, the thing is that it was punched on a table or something, it was down the handwash in the kitchen, the place that was punched with the table made a hole, and it that hole one day my mom saw it, the seed were germinating so i decided to move it to my grandpa's house and start cultivating there, today i planted them in a pot, a total of 13 germinated seeds. now i need to know how many watering will need this pumpkin, (sorry for my bad ortography)
Food for thoughts and Happy Sunday Charles!
The Right to (Adequately Performing) Seeds; years of struggle for recognition…
Lydia Verniory
Human Rights Lawyer & Passionate Bio-Cultivator
When you started your no dig garden how long you waited for your compost to use.
everything is looking great!
That's bigger than my cauli's this year LOL
I've grown Calabrese in Italy and they need hardly any water weirdly, not like Cauli's
Great job Charles, I'm thinking of covering up my allotment end of this year and doing nothing or very little with it. I do well with growing it's jam packed this year and the best and most healthy looking on the site but I spend way to much time up there and I want to concentrate on other things.
Sayr from Oklahoma, I have an important question to ask….I just heard you say a few times "They have been slow to grow..It's been dry here." So, back in March, I sowed radish, swiss chard and beets. As of july, I had nothing to harvest. I know for some it was way to long, but the sprouts stayed sprouts for months. They never grew. At first I thought I was over-watering, but I have been so puzzled that I even slowed my watering down. I still have gotten nothing from either of them. Now my radishes have gone to seed. My beets haven't done anything, and I finally got 1 swiss chard. It's August. What's your idea of what could be going on? Did I seed at the wrong time? At least for my area. Zone 6b / 7a. I'm like on the edge of both.
I really really love your garden! My dream garden someday. By the way, may I ask for the right temperature for growing carrots? I live in a tropical country. Our temperature ranges from 24 to 35 degrees Celsius
Thanks for showing us the good and the bad…..allows me to temper my own expectations and frustrations. Thank you.
I do believe that you are going to be my new gardening guru as I'm in zone 8b, as well…here on the Washington state coast.
Charles, I am working on getting all of your books, but I would like to know the order I should get them in. I am currently worried about which plants and how often need B.T. on them. I noticed you mentioned that you use it on your kale every 2 weeks. Do you have a book I could buy that recommends usage of pest control?
Hi I love you video and I’m doing a school kitchen garden but I’ve got lots off bind weed and mares tail how do I get rind of the mares tail it’s in all the 15ft beds and their is 4 , I’ve covered 2 beds in cardboard thickly x any help please
Did I hear an owl hooting? In daylight?
I’m a week away from harvesting my pink potatoes, and so will do my first succession planting, and wanted to watch this to get ideas. I’ll have 5 square meters to replant, so have gone for beetroot, sweet potato, leeks and radicchio.
Could you pls cover how to grow cauliflower if u do have any success. I've been struggling to grow them for long time
When birds pick at my lettuce I just smile and say I hope you enjoy the salad bar. I always plant enough to share with my litte friends!
the smirk on your face every time you mention how caterpillars get indigestion when eating the leaves always cracks me up!