March 25, 2025


I have an awesome video for you today! James Prigioni is here to teach us how we can convert our lawns into food forests full of abundance! It is a huge inspiration to see how James has converted his lawn and you must check out his channel to find out more of his awesome videos!:

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HuwsNursery is a channel which dedicates itself to teaching you how to grow an abundance of food at your home. Videos are uploaded every week and cover a vast range of subjects including; soil health, sowing, transplanting, weeding, organic tips, permaculture, pest control, harvesting and low maintenance growing to name a few.

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With thanks to the support of my top tier patreons; William Shidal, Ben Porcher, Namaste Foundation, Valeria Letelier and Mike Moore

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to TRANSFORM your LAWN into a FOOD FOREST!

  1. So the ground spot of the yard, are you able to put the wood chips on top of grass or do you do no dig method and smother it out and then add wood chips?? If you can't afford it what is another method?? I do want to start a permacultural food forrest.

  2. If you can only build through the years. Are trees better to start with? If like to get them going first but didn’t know if that’s the first hung I should plant.

  3. Amazing. Where I live, blueberries are canopy trees! Funny how nature works. They grow tall really fast and need to be cut (not just trim, cut whole branches and leave the main tree stock) every two years to control their growth.

  4. Very nice tutorial 😀 But I personally would disagree with the excessive use of woodchips
    1. Overusing woodchips doesn't mimick the natural progress of ecological succession. There are very few examples of natural ecosysems, where such a sudden appearing of wooden biomass takes place. More common is a gradually growth and a slow change from bacterial to fungal dominated soil. I think it isn't possible to just skip several years of ecological development, while shifting your system from a lawn into a full grown forest, without losing biodiversity, resistance and adaption to the specific conditions on your site. There are useful steps in between you can take and better ways to use your available space. Many pioneer species accumulate biomass very quickly and simultaneously provide many uses for humans and ecology, same goes with ground covers!
    2. In my opinion, it doesn't match the philosophy of permaculture to destroy ecology in another place to harvest tons of woodchips for your food forest, except you are able to find a sustainable source for them (i.e. use waste material or material which is already present on your site). But since I don't know your source, consider this point as optional
    3. You are making your system too dependent on external resources and create extra costs

  5. The real reason the food forest is success is due to Dr Chiken; she corrected him multiple times but poor human is not at same IQ as Dr.Chicken. You can hear Dr.Chicken side of the story at 10:49.

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