It’s not always easy to know when to harvest corn, especially if you’re a beginner. In this video I show you both signs that your corn cobs aren’t quite ready and how to know when they’re ripe for the picking!
Beginner’s Garden Podcast:
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Thank you boo bear
im going my first corn
Great video! Thank you!
Excellent tips! Thank you
Great clear and easy to understand
Out of all the videos I have watched this is the only one that talked about how to know if it is overripe. Thank you!
Great video, thank you!!! Growing corn for the first time this year… its almost ready! Now I know how to tell when it is time to harvest
What do you do with the original corn plant once you have harvested?
This was very thorough and helpful! I did not know that there was such a short window of opportunity to harvest corn at the right stage or about feeling the tip. Great advice. Thanks!
My kernels are white and not yellow
Nice video. Brief and straight to the point. Thank you
Great short and concise video, but you should mention that this is for sweet corn. I realize most people think of sweet corn when you say corn, but there are other types of corn.
Another tip is to remember to shake the corn stalk so that pollen falls down to the silk and pollinate the corn
I like your video, straight and to the point. A real professional job, thanks!
Great video…i live in southern California.. The weather inland is mostly dry in mid June. Planting corn then, will it b to hot in July or august? Or plant it in late August..its hot till early October here?
oh boy
thanks for showing me when to harvest Corn I Never knew harvest window is 3 days. My backyard corn is waist high. cant wait!
Awesome, got to check mine right now. Dallas, Tx area. Thanks for such a detailed explanation.
Thanks for the tips!
What about milky yellow?
Very helpful
Perfect. I watched a video from a more prominent censortuber and was still left wondering if my corn was ripe. That nice close up of the rounded top and specificity about everything makes me confident. Confident that I still have no ripe corn yet :<. Also, I heard about the prime picking being around 5 days or so…but I hadn't heard that it's ruined if you don't harvest it right away! That's frightening as I have so much in a very dense block. Oh well when I do finally get some, I'll be eating my weight in corn every day for a month. I'll just have to be searching very thoroughly lest I miss my chance at some of them!
Something is getting my corn. We have a fence around the garden, so I think its birds…the ears are shredded and the kernels are picked off the cob. Any ideas??
Really good video straight to the point. Thank you.