In this VLog, I show you the latest results and trail camera footage of our electric fence stress test and we catch up on what has been happening on our property over the past few weeks – enjoy
Trail cam used was this Bushnell seen on Amazon USA and I got mine here on eBay for Aust viewers.
How to make a Firepit video:
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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane – the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started Self Sufficient Me in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let’s get into it! Cheers, Mark
Mark, you already did 'stress test' the fence by way of the rabbit getting it's nose burned and your PET dog whimpering in pain after touching the fence. How do you do that to your pet dog? It's one thing to 'stress test' predator animals – which you did so STOP putting bait out to electrocute more animals. But your own dog. How is that ok with you? I squirmed when I heard him cry.
I just stumbled across your channel and your very interesting, Thank you. I would have loved to be able to visit Australia but who knows now with this nasty Covid situation. I am in Canada, so only wish we could be able to grow some of the things you do. Watching you building a fire, I decided to give you an idea that my husband had. When you go to a second hand shop, look for a putting golf club. You can get them for a couple of dollars or less. They work wonderful to move the logs around in the fire. They last for a very long time unless you leave it in the fire. Also, buy one for a walking stick. The handle, is the bottom of the putter! It is narrow enough and feels good in your hand. Give it a try and I’m sure you won’t be disappointed. I am going to subscribe, as I find you quite interesting.
You know what bud- I’m just getting into it and you are a diamond. Big help
Why do I love this guy so much!!!???
Love your videos!!!
The goanna is a lace monitor (Varanus varius). Love our aussie reptiles.
27Sep20 1933 Thoughtful and kind despite the need to protect your animals. Thank you again from Auckland in New Zealand.
I ordered this gourd mix on eBay its one of the more expensive seeds I've bought but I want to use gourds as biodegradable containers that if done correctly will be a terrarium and shield the trunk from desert sun
Scoooooter… Marc just said that the electric fence was still on. What were you thinking?
Bloody great videos Mark. I save every one and learn from you on a daily basis. We love your property and respect your time, right now in the West we have been in a heat wave of around 37//43 degrees. Not real good for tomatoes or blueberries but the capsicum are just hanging in there. Thanks for your time, attitude and knowledge. Stay safe Mate.
A flock of geese will fuck up a fox pretty good
14:28 chard fur!!! Hahahahaha! Thats why i love your videos too! Good job good man.
I never get the attention of sitting round a smokey stinking bonfire or firepit
Your videos are awesome!
What breed of dog is scooter? I have been trying to identify a mutt I got that has some of scooters features.
Funny. Your boys avoid the video like the plague.
I really wouldn't worry about young birds going through the fence. Their parents will call them back if there is perceived danger to them. Reason that I say this is there was that sort of mesh in the backyard of the house that I was renting in Toowoomba. The grass next door was all eaten by the geese (aka watchdogs) so when the neighbour let some eggs hatch There was no grass for the hatchlings. My landlord gave him permission to put up a fence way up the back of my yard for the chicks. I had a strawberry patch near there and would go up there to pick strawberries once a day. The geese had been introduced to me so didn't bother about me until I went to have a look at the chicks. The chicks were quickly called back by the adult geese if I took one step toward them.
Omg that goanna is crazy!!!!
@2:11 RIP 2x10s being a reasonable price.
Thanks for the great information and entertainment. Cheers brother.
Another interesting video …thanks : }
Consider converting your fire pit to a SMOKELESS fire pit!!! Really, you’re almost there!!!
1) Drill holes around the top of your metal insert
2). Cover the top of the cavity between the fine brickwork
3) allow ventilation from under the fine brick work into the cavity
The super heated air coming out of the newly drilled holes will burn off nearly all of the smoke.
Haxman has a diy smokeless firepit. Pretty easy to modify yours
Love your videos keep up the good work
So good all that hard work paying off . If I do not have bug rubbish sticks logs etc to fill the bottom if raised beds what can I fill . As to just fill with soil it’s a lot of money o d this and most things don’t have that long root ball , ,
Enjoyed that video was good fire pit looks nice too happy birthday James .