September 28, 2024

VIDEO: Being Proverbs 31 (Its Not Just for Ladies, either) | Devotional | Roots and Refuge Farm

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21 thoughts on “VIDEO: Being Proverbs 31 (Its Not Just for Ladies, either) | Devotional | Roots and Refuge Farm

  1. Do you fully understand how many people you are shepherding? Again, this is such a strong gift The Father has bestowed upon you. An annointing, if you will. I once again leave you being filled to the brim, fully fed. I love you, and I bless you. And if I lived closer, I’d do your laundry for you so you would have just a little more time to be still …

  2. I’ve been watching your channel for a few months now since I started gardening. Tonight I was scrolling through your past videos…..this devotional was amazing. Have you stopped doing them? I would love to see regular devotionals filmed in your garden.

  3. I know this is an old video, but I cannot even tell you how much this wrecked me this morning. Years ago, my husband, who I’ve been married to since we were 18, (14 years ago now,) told me that he doesn’t doesn’t trust my judgement, that he doesn’t think I have what it takes to do what I long to do with my life, that I’m not very good at things I’m passionate about, and other things along this line. I have thought about about his words every day since he’s said them. Some days it destroys my motivation. Some days it makes me so angry. Some days I feel such apathy. But I know God has been wanting me to DEAL. WITH. IT. Your video helped sew up some wounds in my heart today. THANK YOU.

  4. Man, you don't know how much I love these videos. I find myself laughing hysterically about you locking yourself in the bathroom away from your kids because that's where I am. I'm so incredibly blessed to be home with them but still, having two toddlers as a young mom is hard. Like you, I'm very introverted and my daughter is very extroverted and my son needs physical love. He wakes me up in the middle of the night to get me to hold him and that can be hard. I have a very low threshold for touch so a lot of times I find myself "touched out". So I guess I see these videos as immensely useful in making me feel normal but also giving me new things to think about and encouragement.

  5. I just found your YouTube page a few weeks ago. I cannot get enough. I am constantly learning and gleaning all the info. I absolutely love that you have devotions on your page and you are not afraid to talk about Jesus. In this day and age where so many are trying to be people pleasers, your page is a breath of fresh air for me.
    This devotional hits home big time for me. Thank you for sharing and pouring yourself I to this. God bless you and your family.

  6. Amen, Hallelujah!!! I had the same revelation a few years ago. Definitely something we need to be reminded of continuously. I, too, felt pressured and asked God how He could expect me to be so perfect and He said,

    "They are not commandments, they are promises. You confess them just as you do your salvation."

    There are many virtuous daughters, but I excell them all! By our words we shall be justified and by our words we shall be condemned (Matthew 12:37)

  7. This may be a dumb question, but I wasn't raised in a church. How do you find this faith? How do you find this trust and care in God? Do you go to church? Do you need to be part of a group of people? Do you just need to read the bible? How do you find this connection? I've recently started watching your videos (mostly under my fiance's youtube and not mine because that's what's on the TV) and it feels like I am being told to find faith when I have never had it before and I don't know how to do it.

  8. I just found this IMMEDIATELY after these words passed through my mind: “I need to prove myself trustworthy to my husband in these things I have started if he is to trust me with bigger things.” Oh my word! This just speaks to me that God has confidence in me and affirms and that while I in fact may need to prove to my earthly husband that I deserve his confidence, I do not have to prove this to my Heavenly Father. I feel Him affirming my dreams. Thank you so much for sharing-I have also read this one from a task-oriented approach in the past.

    Something to consider-the Church is one, but of many parts. We are not all meant to do everything. We pick each other up in our areas of weakness (or that’s the goal anyway!) and so we accomplish this in community, not as a single person because that would be too overwhelming!!

  9. You spoke to remind me of where I was with Jesus years ago, got away from Him. Thank you so much Jess. I started with relationship and was driven away by religion. Making my come back to be in a relationship with God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. You bring life to His word. Please start sharing your moments with Him again. I watch you now 2021 and haven't seen a God moment devotional (titled for that, I know you share your faith always) for months, if you have one while you are moving it would be wonderful to learn from you. Prayers to you and yours with your move and new homestead and future. I do always see the work He does in your life.

  10. I remember my daycare children rolling hot wheel cars under the bathroom door while I was trying to use it. I remember when the laundry room was my sanctuary because it was the only room of peace, lol. Now that there are no children, laundry is the last thing I want to do.

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