March 13, 2025

VIDEO: How to Grow Potatoes From Potatoes | That Have Gone Past Use By

This video shows how to grow a great crop of potatoes from old store-bought potatoes that have already started to sprout and are way past use by date! This was an awesome potato growing experiment!

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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane – the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started Self Sufficient Me in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let’s get into it! Cheers, Mark 🙂

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Grow Potatoes From Potatoes | That Have Gone Past Use By

  1. Hi Mark, I'm going to try your method you used in this video next spring. I always have about 40 lbs. of potatoes left over that shriveled and sprouted in storage. I raise about 500 lbs of potatoes every year and store them in my pantry. It really got cold this past winter and I got a shock when I was breaking sprouts off my stored potatoes "They froze!" in the corner of the pantry, and we had a propane heater going around the clock. It is kind of upsetting to see that happen. Live to learn; if it gets that cold again they are coming up to the living room where it stays around 72% in winter. By the way that was a very good video.. Jessie from Arkansas USA

  2. just starting my first attempt at potato farming in the backyard. Great video here, love the enthusiasm-"potato makeover" LOL ! after seeing what you put in and what you got out I'd say that's quite the makeover indeed. I live in Georgia in the USA and more and more Americans are realizing they can grow store bought vegetables just as well as the commercial farms….

  3. Here ! Take a like, a comment and a subscription ! Great content brutha ! I'm gonna go plant a couple taters now ! Magnificent ! My store bought taters were going bad and I thought, "no way are these bad boys going to waste." Wasting food is a global crime !

  4. I did this for the first time this year and I harvested them yesterday, they look amazing can't wait to eat them. Will definitely be doing this again with shop bought potatoes that have sprouted.

  5. Thanks. I was hoping you would show exactly how to plant the bizarre knobbly growths as it is not clear if these are roots or shoots, so do one expose the tips of these knobbleness or Bury them? Thank you

  6. There is a name for the White and Purple Potato, they sold them at Woolworths in 2kg Bags, the name is on the tip of my younger, could be Koloban?
    The Purple part of the Potatoes have a health benefit.

  7. Hi mark.
    I have some feral shop potatoes.
    I’m going to use a potato bag to grow them in
    How you you make the soil to plant them in
    I was thinking garden centre veggie soil with compost so it doesn’t go hard.
    Which is better chook or horse poo ?
    And how often would you water please.

  8. This is helpful! I always thought they needed to grow up and that you needed to keep mounding the soil up. Good to see can just plonk them in the ground and thats it.

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