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My Articles in Do South Magazine:http://dosouthmagazine.com/?s=jessica+sowards
Our Music is by our friend Daniel Smith
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Oh my goodness! I live in Seymour, TN and work in Knoxville! I help single moms find jobs and I'm a small business owner who is putting all my profits towards getting a bit of land! Jess, the more I listen to you, the more you bless my soul. Thank you for fearlessly speaking what God leads you to share. I'm one of the people God has used you to reach.
Jess, thank you so much ♥️ you have no idea how much I need these words and this hope. I relate in so many ways and this was placed in my path for a reason today. I'm crying tears of gratitude, thank you so much for following God's call ♥️
You are now a teacher… and a photographer
Wow! It's like you're talking to me. We just started a channel and I feel the same calling you're talking about. I don't know what God has in store. I feel Him moving and working in my life and in the life of many of my friends. It's such a weird feeling. I just keep asking myself, "Is this really the path you want me on God. Am I really going in the right direction? I know I am, but it still feels weird, if that makes any sense at all. Thank you for your beautiful videos.
Your eybrows are so beautiful. Do you have any content about how you take care of them?
You shared this story because I needed to hear this today, in October 2020. Thank you.
I’ve only been following you since the spring but this explains a lot about how you got to this point. I’m 56. Never had a dream. Never found my passion. I applaud and admire who not only discover their passions but have the courage to act on them. Thank you for sharing your story.
I feel so called to do this!! I have just started my blog, but God is calling me to YT as well and he has for the last 7 years. I just didn't think I was hearing him right. I am encouraged thanks Jess.
Thank you for following the leading of God! This message of confirmation was for me. Stay blessed!
Thank you for your obedience to God. I found your channel a few weeks ago and have been making my way through these devotionals and every single one has been so timely. Your testimony is so encouraging.
You shared it for me.
God brought this video to my home page just when I needed it. Thank you
So so so so good.
Thank you so much for sharing! It was a great way to start my Sunday! I love how your family is so encouraging and shares the love of God in all you do. I am in my waiting room while I am in an apartment going through college but it encourages me to think God has put these desires for a big garden and mini-farm to come to see it to fruition. It's cool that now you can say you are officially an author!
Thank you so much for posting this, your honesty and openness with all of us gives us so much more than you know.
Thanks for sharing this, Jess.
You are making us all re-examine our dreams and goals. I was one who lived in survival mode alot of my life from the age of 7 so I dont remember any dreams of my heart but I am talking daily with Jesus again and hopefully he will help me to see my dreams he has for my life. Bless you Jess.
Been going through and listening to all the devotionals and somehow they’re all perfectly timed! You are so lovely.! Thank you
I know there are probably several people who said "you shared it for me cause I needed to hear it", but truly I needed to hear this. Bahaha – and it cracks me up cause you explained how there were 5 things you were wanting to do and here I am trying to decide between three like man! I have it "easy" lol. For awhile the Lord told me to be a EMT and for 5 years i delayed it because I didn't feel like it was enough. I retook the class and finished it, and now have a passion for something else which requires me to go back to school after 7 years out of high school. There are so many obsticales with where I live but all I could think about is how this video was a tier to something greater. You talked about fulfilment, but you had absolutly no idea that our Good Father had what he's giving you right now in the present, today. You kept dreaming and being a good steward of the talents he gave your family. It's true, he gives good gifts to His children. <3
You say things exactly how I need to hear them. Thank you!