March 16, 2025

VIDEO: Straw Bale Gardening 30: Late August Garden Tour

In this episode we take a tour through the straw bale garden in late August to see how everything is doing. The production is unbelievable but some things are doing better than others. Either way we are getting LOADS of fresh produce to harvest. LOL. Thanks for watching!

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“The Global Straw Bale Gardener’s Collective”

Purchase premium quality MI Gardener seeds for just $1 a pack here:

Cryptocurrency donations to help fund the Brew City Garden:

BTC: 31jcGJrM1zwMjFSRcY3vowwcjdQWbwBzJr

LTC: MS2vj9JG2psx1n3vbWVcdeDqaF4L422T92

ETH: 0x8956e8b87A616efAb2908eE1eF8Ac8a18278156B

Thank you!
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Music: Banjo Short by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (…)

#gardentour #strawbalegardening #haybalegardening

7 thoughts on “VIDEO: Straw Bale Gardening 30: Late August Garden Tour

  1. New subbie here love your energy new to gardening my first year planting in my back yard happy to learn from your experience. I’ve tried the lemon cucumber it’s growing pretty slow I was super excited to try now I’m so bummed hearing your experience I’ll see what I get. Ive bought a bunch of ground cherry seeds but somehow they are not germinating any tips you can share I’m dying to get some cherries lol

  2. What do you do with your broken down straw bales each winter? I'm trying a small bale garden this year, and noticed you said you use fresh bales each year. Subscribing.

    AHA! I hear your answer now.

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