CUCUMBERS, Everything You Need To Know!
5 TIPS FOR BUILDING HEALTHY SOIL: video is about Food Forest
How many people dois it takes to work on these food forests you have? How many hours per day. Just want to gauge. Thanks!
I really enjoy your videos and your little dog. Never saw a dog eat so many veggies.
So inspiring to me! I am just starting my little yard gardening and learn a lot from you. Thank you so much!
What is disease resistance and how or where do you find the right one?
How bout some grapes ?? Dragonfruit ??
I Will like to know the name of the peppers before the peach tree yo see if I can Buy some seeds
Hi James. Do you sell the extra produce that you can’t eat yourself or preserve, freeze or whatever? You use the word “we” quite a lot so, I didn’t know if you have a family or partner. I love your channel so much! I haven’t watched all your videos yet….I’m a new subby. But, I would like to see you do a video for us old folks. Can you give suggestions on low maintenance plants, bushes and small trees. I use to have a garden a long time ago but, my health has declined some. I would really love to get back into it. I have 4 chickens that I get eggs from. That’s the only animal product I eat….everything else is vegan. I’m 65 years old.
How much property do you have for your Food Forest? I love that name…Food Forest.
I have never seen a purple pepper….very cool.
James! Thanks for sharing something so personal about feeling lost….wow, i would say by a landslide YES!! You have found your calling! What a talent sir! Love your vibe and appreciate you sharing your expertise. Go Go Go you awesome food forester!!
I now want to grow my own food forest now, I love your channel, I just found you, Linda in Oklahoma.
James, pomegranates are beautiful and and low maintenance and some grow in Russia, so I imagine they'd work well in Jersey.
By the way, where do you typically get your seeds?
How many tomatoes do you have
I’m trying to grow a giant pumpkin this year. Have you ever thought of trying it?
James. In this video you said to mention something to grow… I have japanese wine berry. Also known as Rubus phoenicolasius is an Asian species of raspberry in the rose family, native to China, Japan, and Korea.
Loving these videos James. Thank you!
Talk about the joy of gardening…every time a plant starts to set fruit/veg, it's like an Easter egg hunt. It brings me so much happiness.
My mulch doesn't look like yours. I think its bc we haven't had much rain in section 8a odessa tx. I deep water once a week. The mulch is dry all the way to the soil. Soil is wet so the mulch is working.
Where is Tuck?
I bet viewers would like to see a video on how much time it takes to maintain your garden and maybe your daily routine. T.Y.
The part where you talk about finding your passion resonated with me.
Any tips on how to turn the passion in to a full time business that generates profit.
My idea so far (as I have limited space) is to start a plant and tree nursery and scale up slowly
Love your videos James! We live in a valley with very wet clay soil. We are using wood chips, hay, grass clippings, leaves and compost to build our soil up and make it more absorbent. It is working beautifully!! I never thought I would be able to grow my own food on this property. Thank you so much!!