we are harvesting sweet potatoes and were pleasently surprised with the result! Check out our new clothing line! http:www.freshpickedapparel.com
VIDEO: 50 Pounds of Sweet Potatoes in Just 15 Square Feet!
we are harvesting sweet potatoes and were pleasently surprised with the result! Check out our new clothing line! http:www.freshpickedapparel.com
Curing in the ground method. I wanted to share this in case you want to try it. I read a comment on Off Grid with Doug & Stacy that said, "My grandparents used to raise sweet potatoes. I noticed that you still had the plant attached when you dug the potatoes. They removed the greens 3 – 5 days prior to digging and left the potatoes in the ground. At the end of that timeframe, they dug the potatoes; sweet as sugar. No added curing needed. They stored them in crates and bins in the potato house." (Do not water the soil during this process.) A second person suggested cutting off the greens and covering the bed with a tarp to keep humidity in to cure, but the 1st commenter did not mention having to do that.
Love it thank you
That’s a lot of sweet potatoes. It’s really fun to harvest sweet potatoes. You just don’t know how many you will going to get. Your daughter is so cute…little helper…
I bought 2 sweet potatoes from organic section at Kroger and grew a bunch of sprouts off them. Just harvested one and I'm super impressed. I decide to wait longer for the others.
Next time cut back your foliage before you start digging and it will be a much easier job
It looks like a stomach bc it’s telling you it’s good for your gut health
Amazing! How exactly did u grow these? (I know u have an earlier video on that but as far as i remember that harvest wasnt as great as this one)
There are now some edible sweet potatoes which yield an edible root. Sweet potato leaves are also edible raw or cooked.
Can you grow different varieties of sweet potato in the same bed?
Her Only Fans channel is worth it!
Have you tried eating the sweet potato leaves in the salad and or as a fried or boiled green?
nowadays you can find a handsome but they like to go to bars and doing other things lol
Make taco filling with them! Sooo good. Anything you do with butternut squash you can do with a sweet potato.
Beautiful harvest and beautiful family. I miss those days with my kids, when they were little.
Is your wife First Nation? Very pretty! Even though this is 3 years old now, Next thanksgiving dump the punkie pie and make Sweet Tater pie. SO GOOD. That is roughly 84 dollars worth of Taters. 50/3=16 2/3*5=83.33
I was always told to let vines die before picking but you did good.
Your little girl is darling.
How did you start these?
love that soil! growing beauregard sweet potatoes this year in a mix of top soil and compost, but have some good home made compost to add next year.
This is my first year growing sweet potatoes, I'm just down the road from you in Grosse Ile, MI. I'm interested to know how your curing process went.
Also, try growing your own slips next time, I did my own and it was incredibly easy to do. I had so many slips that I gave plenty of them away to two different gardeners after I kept what I wanted for myself. I spent $1.85 on two organic potatoes and I can't wait to see my payback!
How far apart did you space these?
Very very good
I had to buy slips from burpee because I couldn't find any anywhere. It's my first year I went with a dwarf vine. Wish me luck!