March 18, 2025

VIDEO: Growing Fall Salad Leaves from Sowing to Harvest

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As summer draws to a close, there’s one family of plants that are perfect for planting.

Oriental Salad Leaves grow particularly well as days start to shorten and, what’s more, they’ll keep you supplied with fresh salad well into winter.

In this short video we explain just how to grow them and how easy it can be to extend your growing season with these wonderful tasty leaves.

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14 thoughts on “VIDEO: Growing Fall Salad Leaves from Sowing to Harvest

  1. nice video.. I really like your videos. very informative and you always give me hope for the next season in the garden. I have never grown oriental greens, but this year I planted a salad mix in a couple of pots and was very pleased.. I had greens before anyone else in Saskatchewan, Canada. Keep on inspiring and gardening

  2. this is our main planting time in the southern california desert and I love Komatsuma. I can plant it when it is still hot (over 100 degrees F) and it will grow quickly and still make it through the winter. Also Chrysanthemum greens with the spicy leaves and edible flowers.

  3. absolutely loved your spendy looking garden tools. Where can I get some ? lol I often use a stick to make my lines too b.c Im too lazy to walk back to the garage and get a hoe and the stick is right there. lol Warmed by heart to that. Wish you reminded me a bit sooner to plant some bok choi or pak choi, yummy stir frys.

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