March 28, 2025

VIDEO: How to Use Chickens in a Forest Garden




Garden Harvest
CUCUMBERS, Everything You Need To Know!


29 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Use Chickens in a Forest Garden

  1. You told us once a little about the chickens. You called the black one "Blind Black Chicken". I think you said she was old. You didn't introduce her this time. Maybe next time you could tell us about her. That would be nice.

  2. Hey James, I commented on one of your other videos about using fruit tree Grease. Not sure if you saw that comment but maybe it could be helpful to grease the base of your trees to prevent this Curculio bug.

  3. Lovely, James! Your love for all those animals is wonderful to see. Please tell us more about chickens. I want to get a few for scrathing around the stables and in the food forest that is up and coming!

  4. I just love, love, love your videos !!! I learn so much from your ideas. Remember I'm Irene , the lady who tells you that I will give you credit 3 times then I'm stealing your ideas !!!! LOL ! No really, I got hit by the curculio bug too and was going to try those pyramid traps next year, but I think I'll just get me 4 chickens !!! Thanks for sharing James !

  5. Yes, your video got me thinking…
    I started googling about the CURCULIO weevil… Was compelled to help and learn.
    In an old scientific paper, a gentleman said that when shaking a fruit tree, he caught 5 curculio… Then, when striking a cut branch stub with a Hammer, he collected 200 from the same tree. (make a branch stub at least an inch thick)
    Chickens and hogs, together appeared to be quite effective for larva removal.
    -But, you are picking up fruit regularly. Same thing as hogs in a larger orchard.
    * I wonder if a heavy (chicken scratch-proof) pro weed fabric would help chickens get all larva and pupa… Weed fabric under the top inch or so of chips…?
     Maybe try One or two trees, next season… mainly closest to the trunk.
    (I like the sticky tanglefoot trunk idea, too)
    -Good luck, James! Aloha, -Scotty (on Maui)

  6. Love the vides James. I also LOVE the music. Soundhound doesn't pick it up though, sometimes. I wish you put the artists and songs in the details, but thats ok! lol Anyone know the song that starts are 4:30?

  7. Thanks for telling us about Paul Gautschi, I watched a couple of his videos, he is an inspiration indeed. 🙂 I got to ask "who's playing?" I love the background music but I don't recognize it..??

  8. I'd love to get some chickens problem is snakes raccoons feral cats in a few Hawks are constantly patrolling the area I don't think chickens will have a chance

  9. James what is the fellows name that you refer to? Joel? Can you list some references to his writings along with the other gardener you speak of? Thanks candace

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