March 15, 2025

VIDEO: Sad Update – Taking a Break

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21 thoughts on “VIDEO: Sad Update – Taking a Break

  1. Prayers for comfort and healing for your family. Rejoycing in the Lord for your loved one because she has a new body and a new life. You will be reunited. What a glorious day that will be!

  2. I'm so sorry for your loss. The only thing we can take with us when we leave this world are our memories. So hold those whom you love close. And hold the one you adore most closest of all. God bless you and your family through this dark time. And I hope one day soon you feel the warmth of the light again.

  3. “God is good everyday, everyday god is good”. While you spoke I struggled to remember what my child hood church use to say. The second i put my head down in prayer… it came to me… i know this is an old video but thank you for sharing this so that I could be put back into that place of humbling. I haven’t bowed my head like that in years and it came instantaneously . I hope that this message reaches you as well. Maybe god put it on me to send to you or others in the comments. Much love

  4. I am sorry you're sad. I truly believe that noone really leaves us because I believe that our souls live on and we stay connected always. I pray for your family to have peace and comfort. I pray for Jeremiah's mom that she is not burdened by the trauma of illness and loss.
    Your faith is strong and good. Lean into it ♥️

  5. My condolences for your temporary separation from your loved one. I know from experience how hard that is. But keep in mind that your reunion is coming. Never forget that the joy of the Lord is your strength! May the Holy Spirit comfort all of you in the way that only He can. God bless all of you. Take all the time off that you need. We understand and are praying for all of you.

  6. Sorry for loss, she was a great lady. God, Jesus, & the angels are with her now. She is loved by those she left behind, & God,Jesus,& the angels too. God Bless your family, sending Ealing prayers.

  7. Just happened to watch this one today again. God bless you. God us good. Remember this is not our home. We are just traveling through. Yes she opened her eyes in heaven and saw her sweet lord. God bless you.

  8. My many many prayers to you and your family. I prayer for yahll to have peace within. God is love and it shines thru, like your video. Much Love and support and many prayers.

  9. I am sorry for your loss. Remember you keep her memory alive in this life and she will always love in you and your children and our Savior allows her to live in the next. Love and peace be with you.

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