March 25, 2025

VIDEO: Planting & Using a Kitchen Herb Garden with Pat Battle

Veteran gardener and chef, Pat Battle shares the various aspects of establishing a robust kitchen herb garden. Learn how to enhance your cooking with a collection of foundational culinary herbs. From site selection to planting, soil maintenance and pest management, find out how to be ready to plant your favorite herbs and help them thrive. This workshop includes tips for some of the best uses of fresh culinary herbs in the home kitchen, as well as creative ideas for recipes and preservation. Glean inspiration to perhaps add some lesser known herbs to your flavor repertoire.

5 thoughts on “VIDEO: Planting & Using a Kitchen Herb Garden with Pat Battle

  1. My char infused soil is too rich for seedlings there's a fine line I thought the biology would balance it but after two years… for seedlings make the mix poor. Fire triggered serotiny sounds feasible for herbs, especially if they historically come from sites of periodic fire, it would be worth researching.

    As for chives handling the wet, it was so wet this season even the chives died. Am making a whole new garden with engineered drainage (log surround has drain underneath it of large woodchip so the water can flow) to grow herbs in now, also under the eaves of the house and leeward of prevailing winds so a lot less rain than most sides of the house. Methinks a lot of us will have to rethink how we grow things that used to grow easily. Every 1 degree C rise in temperature puts 5% more water in the atmosphere. Some places become dryer, we who get the water get a lot more. It's not going to improve anytime soon.

    We're moving from temperate to sub-tropical where I am. Loads of experimentation to be done. My first bananas and taro harvested, coffee took off as soon as I put it in the understory. Interesting times.

  2. Stands in front of their 5 figure green house, talking about how to grow herbs after the shtf fan after talking about how unsuccessful he's been at it. Oh, and what's a germination chamber and will they be available after 'the collapse'?
    I do appreciate Living Web Farms effort though and hopefully the attendees of this class got a steep discount or it was free (for the people)

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