March 24, 2025

VIDEO: From Garden to Table: Butternut Squash Soup (vegan)

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The weather is getting cooler, and we just harvested a pile of squash. So lets make some fresh Butternut Squash Soup!

24 thoughts on “VIDEO: From Garden to Table: Butternut Squash Soup (vegan)

  1. Funny coincidence that this is what you posted today! I have a pot of Delicata squash soup on the stove right now. Usually I just roast in oven, cut sides up, add butter, salt, pepper, just eat as is when done, even the skin because it's softer than butternut skin. Trying soup this time, adding chicken, rice, herbs. Your recipe looked quite good, may have to try it.

  2. Hello. I discovered your channel yesterday and felt in love. As I'm blocked in bed some days, I watched all from the first video to this last one. As many other people I really like the format, the spirit, the fun and the learning. Thank you both and keep feeding us until we could have the opportunity to feed ourselves in reality. Take care. (From France)

  3. Hot tip with squash soup. Add curry, rend it down with pasta till the excess liquid is all soaked up. Curried pasta sauce! I will eat a lot of this. Try it, you can thank me later.

  4. Just discovered your channel. I've been watching old vids and working my way forward all evening. So much fun. I love and appreciate the Creed, "Back to Reality". I see what you're doing with that.
    I'm a trained chef with a history and a present, renewed interest in, growing fresh vegetables and herbs, so you are definitely reaching me.
    I think you could benefit from a deeper exploration of the culinary side. What to do with what you have grown. Don't get me wrong, no criticism of your recipe, other than some of the terms. Ex., Saute should be in some kind of lipid. Cooking in water is perhaps braising, steaming, simmering, or even boiling, among others. Still I recognize the intent. Farm to table. Fresh, nutritious, earned in every way.
    May I suggest, fermentation as a fun experiment for preservation.
    People have struggled with preservation of their harvests forever. I was very excited by the experiment you did with tomatoes and wood Ash. It's not very many people who run out to the edge of the internet and beyond.
    Kudos, for having an original mind and keeping awake.
    I wish you well.

  5. Maple syrup in a soup! How Canadian, I love it. I would have never thought to add that. Maybe on a roasted acorn squash but never in soup. I will definitely try that next time. Curry though, curry is so good in any squash soup. It's so warming on a cold rainy day.

  6. Great channel you have here!
    I love your videos and the energy you guys put into it.
    Thanks for sharing your experiences with us!
    I have never tried the maple syrup when making pumpkin soup. I have used cinnamon, nutmeg and thyme, among other things, but the maple syrup sounds nice… I think I'll try it next time. I did some roasted pumpkins glazed with maple syrup, and dusted with cinnamon once… they were delicious!
    One thing I wanted to point out, at minute mark 1:21 you wrote "Water (enough for "sauteing"), but sauteing is when you use some oil, butter or fat at high heat to sort of fry something (like your onions), aka sofrito in Italian and Spanish. Water only simmers, steams and poaches, but it can't fry or sauté.

  7. All’s I know, is that we need another thousand 1/2 Iraqi’s that look like Amira; because if what she cooks makes her look like she does, our obese Americans need to take a good hard look at her & just try to emulate her looks! Perfect skin! Perfect attitude! If I see her at Trader Joe’s, this ‘Joe’ is taking her home!

  8. I love everything you guys do. Just curious. Have you considered a geothermal greenhouse for winter farming? I don't know your income/budget but I've read/watched lots about it (it's actually what brought me to your channel) recently, and it looks very profitable. Great for getting some diversity into your diet that you would normally have to buy supermarket for. You could grow citrus and sell it in winter when you have excess.

  9. You guys need fat, animal fats in your diet. Sadly this vegan diet is going to make you sick. Please, check the 100s of ex vegans testimonies, this diet is so dangerous. You've got a big land, raise some animals for God's sake, give them a happy life and only one bad day. Or just consume their eggs and milk and some fish. I really hope you make the charge before it's too late.all the best.

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