March 25, 2025

VIDEO: Planting Fall Garlic The Easy Way

Planting Fall Garlic in the Garden



CUCUMBERS, Everything You Need To Know!


26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Planting Fall Garlic The Easy Way

  1. James, nice video!
    Have suggestion for tall gardeners with short tools like rakes, hoes, or shovels: put a piece of pvc pipe on it!! I did this on an old treasured shovel that lost its top 4 inches to time…I used 11/4 " pvc pipe on it about 18" long…tapped it on snuggly. No nails screws or tape needed! First one I did it to has been on for at least 5-6 years and has never come off even with rough use! Have used this many times…sure makes the work easier on your back and shoulders. Have great fall!

  2. james: i planted garlic one year and i let one grow to flower and seed. the smell was atrocious . from where it grew the wind blew it into the house and the family said to cut it down, my neighbors complained also. off the stalk went and i threw that in the garbage and the garbage just smelled until pick up time. huh, carmine.

  3. Great share! I planted my garlic last week after it came in the mail when I ordered it. I got Inchilum Red, soft neck. Honestly, it was all they had left to order! LOL! They are already sprouting up! I'm impressed! I wish you good luck on your garlic growing! And I love that you share your garden with us. Thanks for sharing again!

  4. I am at that time to grow my garlic here in Australia. Thanks for the peas, beans and garlic tip. I am going to try it. I usually stick garlic anywhere including with the peas and beans. With your tip, we will see how that go this growing season for me. Come to think of it, one time my garlic didn't bulb as good as it should. As for the snow peas, it did great that year. Cheers! 🙂

  5. Wonderful man u r..thank u..garlic cured my phemonia….n it cure covid..when u add oregano to it..please don't we can cure this curse off the earth..but yes this video is perfect..garlic toos grow garlic the part we always throw away..keep..the tops r roots pineapple bottom or the top part will regrow a pinapple..i use these for immmune boosting drinks wit lemon

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