March 20, 2025

30 thoughts on “VIDEO: 3 Reasons to Stake Raspberries & Simple Staking Method

  1. Luke, where did you get your thornless raspberries, or is that just wishful thinking? I've been attacked by raspberry canes too (even wearing gloves and a long sleeve shirt) and it's not a pleasant experience!

  2. Those stakes are much shorter than what I use. I grow 4 or 5 different varieties under a 10 ft tall lemon tree because I am limited on space. I like several types of raspberries because I have extended my season which starts in May and goes to late September. This year I have had a bumper crop. Being under the lemon tree, which I thin regularly, has worked out great. Since the space under the lemon wasn’t being used before I don’t need to find an empty space. Also fertilizing takes care of both the tree and raspberries.
    I wonder why my canes grow 8 ft tall. Maybe it is the tree but using taller stakes takes care of that. I also put several rows of twine so the canes come through according to their varieties’ height.

  3. I have rasberries also. Never knew they had thorns. Boy did i find out the wrong way. Lol. I am going on my second yr with them. They are in a pot atm but will have to put them in the ground very soon. Probly after this season.

  4. When dealing with raspberry plants, never grab the stems. Grab a couple of the green leaves at the end of the stem and lift them up to pick the berries. The stems have the intense pickers. The leaves, although they are fragile, can be lifted to reveal the berries or move the stems where you want them moved. Avoid the stems unless you have on gloves and thick sleeves.

  5. Hi, Luke! I just wanted to let you know that I received your Trifecta today! Wow, that was a fast delivery, faster than Amazon and I'm a prime member! Can't wait to use it and see my peppers and tomatoes grow. Thanks!

  6. Question… I've got a Kiowa blackberry plant I planted this spring. It's not a year old yet and takes about 2-3 years to fruit. Should it still be cut back if it has not produced fruit yet or should I wait until it starts fruiting? As always, thanks for the informative videos.

  7. As a carpenter and someone with lots of landscape construction experience I can honestly say I have never used rope or strong to set a grade stick :p.
    We do use string lines everyday but never for grade.
    Love your visa, just had to say that!

  8. Thanks for the great videos. I really appreciate them, and I learn a lot! Question: I have a community garden, where my raspberries are just taking off. My neighbor told me I had to thin them out. I watched your videos on raspberries and saw nothing about thinning. Is it important to thin raspberries?

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