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Some like the heat some like the cold thank God there are so many diverse climates! Praying for your family as you move forward after your mother-in-laws passing. I have been there many times. It does take time but this season too shall pass.
Nice fall garden! I garden in zone 10, so my new set of tomatoes are ripening (had to cover them with tulle to prevent rats eating them down as the first set), and I hope, that my Caigua (Cyclanthera Pedata) will set fruit before nights in 40s will come.) I think it would be a very interesting video, how you plan your dinners in relation to the garden.
I so relate about hating being cold. We are in western Kentucky and I much prefer the hot hot days of summer that we have then the brutal cold winter. I also bundle up be fore going out….layers are my friend! I don't mind face being cold too much, its my hands and fingers that are what does it for me. The minute my fingers start getting cold, I head back in the farmhouse LOL!
I just started watching your videos and am a new subscriber so maybe you talked about your beds & arches in a video but I'd like to know more…are the cattle panels side by side giving a tunnel effect? The tunnel effect is what I am planning for one of our gardens next year but was thinking we'd build a wooden arbor but if I can get that effect with cattle panels it'd be much cheaper. Edited to add: Do y'all mow in between the rows with a push mower or string trimmer?
It's so funny how people are so different when it comes to cold. Up here in NE WA we get a good amount of cold weather and a couple feet of snow, cumulatively. What's interesting is observing my kids – my oldest daughter HATES the cold. She'll go sledding and stuff for a bit (especially when I go out too) but she's over it really fast. And then she absolutely thrives in the heat of summer (we get about a month of triple digits in the summer). My middle daughter is the opposite – she loves the cold and will be outside in it all the time, but the heat just saps her and she cannot be outside in the heat. I kinda am in the middle… hate being cold but don't mind bundling up. But you'll rarely see me outside in the cold if I don't have to be. Same for the triple digit heat, though… lol
your POV about cold makes me believe we are friends IRL. Because I think we could discuss our fuzzy sock collections over many hot beverages. (Brrr)
I would love to hear about the meal plan you made and the actual meals you cooked! I'm not a creative cook, so using the random harvests in my future garden to make actual meals seems intimidating
Nice surprise to come home to.
Do the pole beans taste gross when they get that big? I had my hubby build me a makeshift arch-ish trellis and planted them my 1st time after watching ur video about that, so far all my beans are huge like the ones u say you'll need to save for planting. I had a bbq yest, some friends asked me why wouldn't u be able to eat them? I didn't know the answer
LOL! I prefer cold over warm (I like wearing layers to be warm vs. being hot and not able to get away from it). But, things grow better where it's warmer. I tried to garden in the mountains of Idaho and it's a lot harder than here (in Missouri. We just moved back here in August after living in Idaho for 7 1/2 yrs). You have a beautiful garden!
Dim large green beans are good battered up and deep fried have fun God bless
i always love your videos … I stopped watching after your loss , but i've missed you . Now i can start watching again !!!
Start pickin.
Yeah I live in New England and my fingers literally turn to icicles when temps start dropping below 50.
My first visit and of course I HAD to subscribe. When you talked of the cold I thought–A KINDRED SPIRIT!!! I find a warm patch of sun, a wind shielded spot outside in the sun, & my little dog & I just soak in it! And a fellow gardener to boot! Hugs y'all from upstate SC.
i can not get enough of your garden it is really crazy beautiful and when you talk about your garden you just shine been cold and rainy here i want snow my friends say im a polar bear lol total opposite of you lol hugsssssssssss from Ontario Canada
I hate being cold too! My sister lives in denver, co and she says it’s not cold… my reaction? “It snowed during spring break! That’s cold! And for waaaaay too long! I’ll stay in Alabama thank you very much!”
I know what you mean when you run into someone in an unexpected place. I grew up and went to high school in Eugene, Oregon. My senior year my family went to Hawaii for vacation. Walking downtown Lahaina I ran into my science lab partners, twin sisters. Had to take a quick look around, "whats wrong with this picture" moment for sure! Just discovered your channel. Enjoying it a lot and learning too!!
Oh I can’t stand the heat. lol
My sons going to college in AR and I warned him about how hot is was going to get. lol
Your garden is awesome!
Im watching this and its -25 F at the moment in Chicago with a wind chill of -50.
Why can’t you eat over grown beans? Are they bad? Just started learning how to garden.
Hey Jess
What were those tiny white flowers around the broccoli? Love from UK! xx
I hear ya! I hate the cold!
This makes me want to move back to Southern Missouri. I'm in Minnesota now, and last winter's coldest day was -73. I hate it.
Rewatching all your old videos and I can relate I live in upstate Ny close to Canada and I hate being cold too I need to move lol
Bone & raised in Florida and I completely get you!