These are the top 10 fall and winter crops you have to have in your garden and reasons why they made the top 10.
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I love homegrown cilantro
Allergic to raw carrots!
My daughter will only eat raw carrots
I'll try that roots roast. Never had that
Potatoes have no vitamin c after being cooked.
When talking about winter gardening, its important to start off with your climate, your region, temperatures etc otherwise viewers don't know if the info is relevant. Winter is not Winter.
I'm allergic to raw carrots too! Such a strange allergy..
Broccoli and cauliflower ?
Such good information. Every video is just full of common sense, ready to apply tips. Thank you so much
Cooking instructions for the root roast please.
good video, but wish you had been moving around the garden showing us each plant and harvest.
I find that green onions/scallions/garlic type of plants, do fine in cool weather also.
And as far as green onions go, they can be harvested fairly fast.
Garlic is another great cold hardy plant. I've had it pop through snow on the ground before.
Thanks Luke! I also can't eat raw carrot or celery, but cooked is fine. Thank you for the info on planting fall crops, especially the cilantro. I have bolted cilantro in my garden right now, so hopefully can take some of the seeds and replant? I love your channel so much, super helpful. I'm across the border just north of Washington State in British Columbia and am learning a lot about gardening from you.
Link to the video about the vegetable you mentioned here?
I have tried growing beets in a container twice this year with no success..the plants just don't survive..what am I doing wrong?
Love your videos, Anytime someone asks about my garden or how to do some things I've never grown, I tell them to look up your videos. They have helped me a lot.
Also brussel sprouts I would think. Planted green beans, carrots, & beets Sept 10. So far so good but somethings chewing on the beans. They're healthy so should be ok. I live in Southern Michigan and want to plant spinach. Had to buy cilantro for my salsa, never knew it was a fall crop! Had to buy dill for my pickles too, didn't get around to planting any VERY unfortunately. Have been cutting the sunflowers as they mature (different kinds), and there's always too many cucumbers! Got 4 beautiful pumpkins but the tomatoes were small. The cabbage & brussels got ate up. Will put panty hose on the next crop to keep worms off. Gooseneck gourds are just now filling out. The garden looks so sad now — but just think, in 5 more months can start seeds!
Mint leaves as well, my mint leaves have survived for 3 years in Virginia so far.
Great video. We need more info about winter crops
Can you do a video on back to Eden Garden
I cannot grow herbs except for Basil I could even get those started this time
my beets failed to put on a beet or actually sizeable greens. I did not start inside but from seeds. zone 6b. I think it is the soil as i am still building it from clay. i am watching this again as i did in the late summer to see if there were any tips. If there is a "how to grow in late summer through early winter" that i may have scrolled over please point me in that direction. I am zone 6b and believe that i could garden year around if i had the desire to do so. Maybe take jan and feb off.
You mentioned something that starts with an “m” that gets very little recognition. I listened several times but can’t make out what you’re saying.