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If you have a chicken being pecked badly, should you rescue them?
Oh my goodness Ben is so adorable!
Let me tell ya sis it's no better with girls. A girl, 14, I got new Pioneer Woman dishes for Christmas but we're still eating off Dollar Store plates because she somehow breaks everything. I tell everybody not to bother buying me stuff because " I CAIN'T HAVE NOTHIN' " lol Much ♥ Stay Blessed.
What kind of feed to you feed your chickens?
Hello….. You can hang a small wind chime like 6 inches in front of the inside of your doors, so the door will tinkle the chimes. I used to work in a chinese restaurant and they had chimes to let us know if someone came in when we were in the back. Also hang some jingle bells on the door knob.
OMG Ben is soo adorable!! He reminds my of my now 4 year old only mines a ginger.
Ben's expression when you ask if the tea is good is priceless
So cool to see that other people have mis-matched dining room chairs! I don't feel so alone in the world now!!!
The microexpression you made when he told you to “meet us outside” with the tea and you gracefully reminded him that you are not running a tea delivery service, is the most relatable #boymom mood, lol.
How do you sell chicks if you don’t have the same breed of rooster?!
Hey, Jess! Are you going to be updating your coop with your new flock coming in?
I'm updating mine and going through looking at ideas! Thanks!
how do you tell the roosters apart from the hens
do you need to have an eye on a dalia when stating indoors its to cold here to plant them out doors now
He is beautiful!
♥ tea in the morning. I drink my tea with honey too! It's the best way.
watching this makes me happy i cant wait to be a mom
Ben is stealing my heart!
. He so very adorable.
He's such a sweetheart! Love him and his little cup.
He is the CUTEST little thing! I bless you until next time. Can't wait to see how Ducky does. Hope he will be ok.
You are so pretty! I always wanted to be a gorgeous brunette! You got it working for you girl!
I am watching your videos as a series in chronological order and I have to say this must be my favourite. Ben simply steels the show and possibly a heart of everyone who is watching. He is completely symbiotic with the garden and channels his love of it so strongly, that is actually humbling to an adult person. Thank you for sharing that. It makes me hopeful for the future knowing that some part of the new generation has values that really matter.
I love your posts
where do you get your chicks from?
Every grandmother in the entire world owns one of those 'beautiful mugs' lol. The correll pattern from the 80's/90's
Ben is such a wonderful kid!! All your kids are great but, he just shines on camera. Just adore that lil guy!
Brightens my day to see him on your vlogs.
I’m done work for the season as I work as a gardening. (Which I got after learning so much from Jess)! And now during my time off I am going through and watching all of the old videos. Life is amazing. Thank you Jess for being my role model