March 8, 2025

VIDEO: FIXING FLOODED Wood Chips Mulch – Back to Eden Gardening – PT 1

Flooded to to all the rain for 3 months… Wood Chips Mulch – Back to Eden Gardening , Part 1. How to solve this problem. #floodedland , #floodedgarden
#gardening #gardeningtips #gardening101 #howto

21 thoughts on “VIDEO: FIXING FLOODED Wood Chips Mulch – Back to Eden Gardening – PT 1

  1. is there enough minerals there to help maximum conditions for growt? woodchips create biological, but not mineral. Im thinking in terms of layers, if you wanted to add more woodchips later on.

  2. Glad to know I'm not the only NJ grower that had issues due to the excess rain. I don't think I used the cistern water more than a few times during the season and in fact most all the water all year simply went out the overflow. Hoping next year won't be so wet and humid. Something if you read this I'm curious about…. I sawed the tops of my garlic plants the seeds that form at the top and wondered if I can plant them still this year? Usually I use bulbs of garlic and divide the cloves but I'd rather use the seeds if possible and save buying them.

  3. Great video Mark! I admire your attitude…instead of getting angry about crappy weather, you work with nature to turn it into a benefit. Hope you end up with a weed free bed and a nice crop of daikon before winter hits. 🙂

  4. Let's make this fun and try to predict the results!. Here's my guess….I see success with weed suppression using the daikon radishes, but very happy and spreading comfrey, just due to the close(to the plant) tilling.

  5. Mark, I planted oil seed radish in my onion/garlic bed for fall, to help enrich the soil and hold down weeds. Within a month, the deer had eaten almost every one of the radishes. They LOVE the radish tops. Ah well….. The deer, by the way, don't like Sorghum Sudangrass, which I planted at your suggestion. It grows beautifully but doesn't give me the good soil enrichment that the radishes would.

  6. I love how you do experiments! And at the scale you do it, it's very helpful to see. We have a small homestead, and even in the first year of gardening, I did a ton of experiments to see what worked. It's fun and helps me make good decisions the next year. One thing is for sure though, the only tilling the soil ever gets is when I have to dig a root crop! Lol

  7. This may be exactly the answer I've been looking for. My garden is overcome with horsenettle. Do you think the oil seed radish breakdown will kill the roots of the horsenettle? And if so, will I still be able to plant in the Spring, or are you only using this in places you don't plant?

  8. i like your attitude. i too have been using wood chips. mine have been in place for approx 5 years now and it grows anything i want without watering or fertilizing. here in n.e. okla, we just went through a 10 year drought with the last 3 years being the worst and i was still able to grow some great tomatoes WITHOUT WATERING.

  9. I’ve got a spot in my yard that floods because of my clay soil, I have woodchips there and I’ve planted winter rye, in the chips, a month ago, it’s between my fruit trees per your suggestions. I’ll see what happens in the spring

  10. Hi Mark thanks for this video, I also experience flooding in my garden and my solutions was I raised most of my vegetable bed by building hügelkultur beds it has been very successful but I also use chicken manure. Daikon radish is also known as mouli very popularly used in curries, the leaves can be eaten like cooked spinach.

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