Myself and PBA went on a hike one day… the plan was to climb Ben Nevis, the tallest mountain in the UK. Did we make it?
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#BenNevis #Scottishhighlands
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#BenNevis #Scottishhighlands
Beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!! from USA
NIce scenery. How was Ben Nevis? (grin) I always wonder why things are destroyed, it's like a jigsaw puzzle. Maybe that explains my degree in History? who knows. Stay safe.
Good evening Adam. The scenery was great. My mountain climbing days are over. To the pub and back is getting to be a challengs, but I'm still making it. Best wishes Bob.
Difficult to see properly but its not Fly Agaric (the poisonous one). Could be the edible Caesar's mushroom. When in doubt, leave alone. Beautifully filmed scenes, Adam.. we tend to take that for granted from you.
Beautiful country and tour
Hi Adam i can now see why Scottish immigrants/ pioneers felt at home here in America… my home State is identical to Scotland… Thanks for brilliant post…………..Ed
That is some awesome footage ya took Mr. Adam! Looked ever so peaceful out there! I agree the down is way better then the up. Cool lean to someone built. I take it anyone can just setup camp up there? You shonuff had a great vacation man! Thanks for the tour and info!
Wow buddy, that was really gorgeous, I could totally hang out there for a while. Cool little lean to someone built. We appear to be in the same physical condition, lmao:))
My guess on that mushroom would be Russula emetica, need to see the gills to be more certain.
That was an excellent video. I would have loved to have been with you on that hike. Such fantastic scenery.
So did you use your Bear Grylls hunting skills to catch that mouse and get its bladder… what a trophy!!!
Thats just a little hill
Advocaat that glamping but the prat that left the bottle should have inserted some place to make it hard to sit down. Clue here the golds in the valleys not on top of the mountains 
Stunning views there mate nice one
Top Kek, Adam. What a view, eh? When I was in my twenties, I barely made it to the top of Cairngorm. And that was only due to the ski lift, LOL.
Quick lunch in the Ptarmigan, then back down before the fog trapped us.
Nice vlog. I love to feel I'm about to get trodden on, LOL.
Hello Adam what a lovely scenery. I was amazed by the beautiful mountains and trees.
awesome job Adam !! amazing view !! great looking woodland !!
Really wonderful scenery. A bit of peace and tranquility – you can't beat it – even if it is a little bit tiring finding it!
its on the "bucket list" mate – hoping to start fell walking again next year
Beautiful place
Looks like a nice walk there mate. Some beautiful scenery in Scotland. I’ve been a few times. Been to Fort William and across to Mull and over the other side Loch Ness and parts of the East Coast. Spectacular and a great place to visit. Take care. Nick