March 5, 2025

VIDEO: Levi Explains Why Leaves Change Colors in Fall | S1:E9 | MIgardener

Why do fall leaves change from green to orange, yellow, red, or brown? Levi explains, and the answer will cause you to never view a fall hike the same way again!

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19 thoughts on “VIDEO: Levi Explains Why Leaves Change Colors in Fall | S1:E9 | MIgardener

  1. For those thumbing down the videos just to thumb them down, FYI Not only does Levi not care, but also you should consider getting some help. Hating someone just to hate them is clinically unhealthy and probably the source of your plight in life.

  2. I wanted to go for a walk too and see the forest near me but it decided to rain for a week straight and knock most of the leaves down lol I think if it lasted longer we wouldn't appreciate it as much though.

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