March 29, 2025

VIDEO: I've Never Seen So Many SEEDS | Our Visit to Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds

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25 thoughts on “VIDEO: I've Never Seen So Many SEEDS | Our Visit to Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds

  1. This is amazing! Thank you for steering me into their direction. My seeds just came in this last week and I am super excited to get them started tomorrow! Thanks Beautiful!

  2. I am absolutely floored at the size of this operation, the volume of work to produce thousands of seeds, and yet, they are down to earth people who are making a huge impact on the world. Thank you for this video and sharing your joy.

  3. I’m just watching this now and ah thank you so much!
    It’s amazing what the dream of one person can do.
    I don’t think Jere Gettle knee at seventeen that he would be starting a revolution and evolution for not just gardeners but for the world and good in general.
    Ah it all just brings a tear to my eye! ❤️

  4. I buy almost all my seeds from Baker Creek, seeing their facilities was so cool! Thanks so much for posting this! (I would totally go broke in their seed shop lol)

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