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Thank you so much for believing in us!
I need to spend a week there
So at what point did it hit you that Jere Gettle watches your videos??! Oh wow, what a complement there Jess!
Love this! I just ordered my seeds this afternoon! I can't wait!
This is just rad. To think of how many gardens were grown and families were fed and heritage continued because of a 17 year old kids dream. so so so cool.
The seed vault gave me chills!

How wonderful that you took us to Baker Creek Seeds! What a fabulous place! I might have to take a trip just to see it in person!
Nice. Encouraged to head down to one of their festivals… Ps. I picked one of the Whole Seed Catalog's… It's awesome…
This is the coolest, EVER!!!
WOW!!! Very interesting!
This is amazing! Thank you for steering me into their direction. My seeds just came in this last week and I am super excited to get them started tomorrow! Thanks Beautiful!
Awesome.. perma-smile on you.. ha ha your so cute. thanks for showing up baker creek threw your eyes.. Awesome..!!
I am absolutely floored at the size of this operation, the volume of work to produce thousands of seeds, and yet, they are down to earth people who are making a huge impact on the world. Thank you for this video and sharing your joy.
Mr. Getle just did an interview on the gardenerd podcast in case anyone is interested
I just watched this video and Jessie you reminded of a child in a candy Store…LOL
I’m just watching this now and ah thank you so much!
It’s amazing what the dream of one person can do.
I don’t think Jere Gettle knee at seventeen that he would be starting a revolution and evolution for not just gardeners but for the world and good in general.
Ah it all just brings a tear to my eye!
Wow, I'm blown away with all those seed options and protections. I wish I could go get out there too.
My absolute favorite place to visit we live fairly close we are going this weekend. We also LOVE the restaurant,a girl i went to school with is the head chef.
I buy almost all my seeds from Baker Creek, seeing their facilities was so cool! Thanks so much for posting this! (I would totally go broke in their seed shop lol)
That’s what my personal heaven is like. I’d never leave.
I'm a huge fan of Baker Creek! And their story! God has blessed Jere and his family! I hope to meet them one day! Just to say thank you for being you!
So sweeeeeet!!!
This was awesome!
I love this place! The seeds you get from Baker Creeks are the best seeds. I always have great germination!
Just shared it in the Facebook group. Hope you get lots of views today!