I was challenged by What Vivi Did Next to share a round-up of my 2018 gardening year.
Follow Vivi Here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDuUDhR83LaUgakiJBscRXw
This lovely challenge was started by my friend, check out her awesome channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCES74XkYE-QpD1UYK-pn4CA
Who Inspired Me:
MIGardener: https://www.youtube.com/user/MIgardener
Charles Dowding: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB1J6siDdmhwah7q0O2WJBg
Back to Eden Film: https://www.backtoedenfilm.com/
Our Instagram: www.instagram.com/roots_and_refuge
Our Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rootsandrefuge/
My Infrequently updated blog: www.thehodgepodgedarling.blogspot.com
My Articles in Do South Magazine:http://dosouthmagazine.com/?s=jessica+sowards
Our Music is by our friend Daniel Smith
Email Us: rootsandrefuge@yahoo.com
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Have you ever dealt with jung seeds? If so how are they?
I am so excited about 2019's garden. Have fun and may 2019 bring you and your family many beautiful blessings of garden abundance and fulfillment of projects well done.
I love hearing these things from other gardeners this time of year as I'm pondering the same things and making plans for next year. Thank you do much for sharing!
Luke’s Squash Vine Borer Be Gone is good stuff! That and adjusting the timing of planting my squash made a huge difference with the bugs! So excited to see you tap into Charles Dowding’s material! He changed my gardening experience 180 degrees! That and drip irrigation were 2 wonderful gifts in my 2018 gardening experience! Looking forward to all you will be sharing in 2019!
Hey, Jess! I've missed your garden.
My best crop was potatoes and oddly beets and my worst is cabbage. We had a very hot summer with no rain for very long so most stuff didnt go well. I am trying to sneak in Sweden some seeds from Baker Creek will see if they come through customs.
Yes! Charles Dowding is my super hero!
Love hearing about your garden and everyone else's as well! Definitely had a weird year as far as weather goes down here in TX for 2018. Made all kinds of things crazy, but ended up with a good harvest. Lost all my pumpkins/squash to borers, but that's pretty typical, lol. Right now my carrots, herbs and greens are doing great under their frames!
Awesome video. Great take-away's from 2018 and great thoughts and dreams for 2019.
I just found your channel by searching for vegetable garden structures. Last year I had a really hard time with squash bugs and so I purchased a praying mantis egg case along with ladybugs for the garden pests. I patrolled daily sometimes three or four times a day with my spray bottle of soapy water. The praying mantis were absolutely wonderful for insect control. Y'all are an absolute inspiration and a blessing. Now on to watch more of your videos!
I am so excited this year for my garden, love seeing this video and hearing what you have to say
I love back to Eden Gardening and have had great success with it! My cukes did bad this year!
Your tomato tip video was SO helpful for me, and how I stumbled upon you.
Looking forward to your videos this garden season!
Can you tell us what seeds you are starting indoors in Jan and Feb?
Keep us updated on when/how you start seeds. I'm so new to gardening and want to learn more to provide food for our family. We had a small garden last year but bought plants. Would love to do seeds! No greenhouse but a good indoor area to start.
1,000 steps behind ya but Ill get to your level someday. xox
Not certain if you have access to
"Great Gardening Companions" by Sally Jean Cunningham – but she has a half page of info on squash bugs, all natural no sprays, page 265 if you have the book or access to it. seems worth a look. ZenHugs! ps you can also put shade cloth on a hoop house.
You are a goddess, keep up the great videos, greetings from Greece!
Thank you for a lovely video. It was great to hear your answers and interesting to note the differences in folk's gardening year. So sorry about your winter squash (thank goodness we don't have those bugs here in England!) – if we were neighbours I'd share some of mine with you. I heartily agree about making the garden aesthetically pleasing too. Good luck with all your exciting plans for 2019.
Check out Bealtaine Cottage! She does things a little differently than you do – she has created a permaculture system on her land, but also gardens – and she's really lovely to watch!
Hello Jessica I have a gardening question: how do you orient your vine trellis? I plan to put in one vertical trellis for a climbing cucumber. I'm putting summer squash in the rest of that bed and don't want to block their sun. The rectangle bed runs north to south in length I don't know if you read these comments this far back.
thanks for the video. We watch the same youtube gardeners! i just got done watching one of Charle's videos and I buy my seeds from Luke! I feel connected to you now! how cool?!
Gosh the rain was soooo bad this last year! Im praying this year isnt so much.. i know we need it but it washed away so much in my little garden.
I love watching charles downing
Where did you get those colored trays on the table behind you?
I love putting surprises in among my veggies. Flowers, herbs and garden art throughout makes me happy. I have a lot of people ask why I plant veggies in my flower beds and flowers in my veggies. I say it just makes me happy to find the little surprises, but it does also help with pest control and I like being able to pick and eat cherry tomatoes from my porch!