March 15, 2025

VIDEO: My Favorite Heirloom Seed Catalog (with Goldshaw Farm ) | Roots and Refuge

Today, I’m on a skype call with my friend Morgan from Gold Shaw Farm, and we are going through our Baker Creek Whole Seed Catalogs! This is definitely one of my favorite pastimes for a winter afternoon!

The Second Part of this conversation is available on Gold Shaw Farm’s Channel Here:
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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: My Favorite Heirloom Seed Catalog (with Goldshaw Farm ) | Roots and Refuge

  1. Hey Jess… I just ordered a bunch of seeds from Baker Creek as well. I'm super excited about the Chinese Python Snake Bean. Have you grown this yet? If not, any plans to grow it?

  2. Love the video, Jess you think you have issues we have about 3×1.5m space + a couple of containers for herbs. Try narrowing it down to that size!
    I know I need to learn and grow before we get granted our dreams, God has said it’s not our time yet. But still I do just want to jump right in feet first in the deep end!
    I feel like the first believers after Jesus’s death, ‘it’s going to happen now, it’s time’ 2000 years later ‘is it our time yet?’ 🙂

    Ever notice when people are on a webcam they start raising their voice? Lol

  3. Ok Jess I'm SO excited! I just got my Baker Creek catalog and many of the seeds I saw that I want to try you mention here in your video. This will be my first garden but I'm disabled and am home all the time so I have time. Where do you get fruits and are blueberries hard to grow? Thanks and I love your channel.

  4. As silly as it sounds, I have one wall of my greenhouse built and sitting inside my garage. It is difficult to envision the greenhouse finished, but small steps do make a distance. My lumber has been scavenged from dumpsters at new home building sites. The only thing that will probably be store bought for the greenhouse will be my clear siding material. I keep watching for free discarded windows, but boy, they go quick!!! My goals this season are to produce micro greens and herbs and tomatoes! Now that I have said this out loud I am accountable to myself. 😉 Native Seeds also have grants to provide seeds to all kinds of folks, too! I so admire the space you have. Being in the low/high desert has a unique set of challenges to food production. I hope to learn plenty from the college extension and other resources such as yourselves. Thank you for the inspiration. I have been observing quietly for a year now. Happy New Year.

  5. I’ve been scoping their smaller catalog, they are awesome! So many fun foods (and bee/butterfly-habitat flowers, can’t forget them) in there! Thanks for letting us sit in and pick up a few tips:)

  6. Was going to add that it’s good to eat a rainbow of foods, the deeper the color, the more nutrients, and the more colors, the wider range of needed nutrients. I love how they have such great offerings…I’m learning a lot from your vids, thanks 🙂

  7. Living a good hour south of Nashville, TN, when he said they lived in DC and then moved "up north" I thought I was gonna pee laughing so hard. Brother, DC is "Up North" LOL

  8. We are installing irrigation this year. We need to work smarter and spend our time on other projects… it will be a struggle for me to let go of watering lol but I need it… i'm excited sounds like you are planting some stuff I want but not adding this year. Keeping things real basic since this is a busy year for us. Thanks for sharing your visit to baker creek and the things you sampled. After we build the greenhouse this year I want a 12' x 20' high tunnel. I really enjoyed this video! I only get to talk with my 2 year old about the catalog… He gets just as excited as me 😉

  9. I think looking at the catalog is great but you are missing the reviews from customers who are from all over and can tell you how a variety did for them along with very helpful tips for success in your area. That is only online I would think.

  10. I enjoy all of your videos, but this 1:1 dynamic conversation is one of my faves. Across growing zones, available land, length and breadth of experience and even gender, for all the different considerations and perspectives for why and how to pick your species and varieties. More like this please, gardener to gardener, ad lib!

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