Wow… just WOW… this video is AMAZING … it is literally me talking about seeds. I mean what’s not to like, right? I’d even suggest you watch this video twice, maybe three times, and then share it far and wide.
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Very seedy, Adam. ; )
Snap on la diva! Phantom lettuce wa wa waaa
All I can say buddy is Git-R-Done! I got to look up this 13 stuff. Carry on Sir!
HOW iTV programme from 80s hand signal or masonic
Interesting varieties Adam.
That Article 13 sure sounds lame. Be the end of public vids over there. How do you never have a brand name in something?? Y'all in for some tape buying, as everything has marketing tools and brand recognition. Not sure why this bugs me, as it doesn't effect me. Oh ya, nice seeds, lol!! Have a great week buddy:))
Hi Adam. Some interesting varieties there. Particularly the space lettuce. Ground control to Adam, your lettuce are sure to take off! Take care. Nick
Great video Adam, I got some of the squash seeds last season but never got around to grow them but I am this year
The cucumbers sound interesting. Live long and prosper Adam. Best wishes Bob.
nice selection there! loving the puns lol
I grew 3 plants of La Diva a few years ago on my plot, they tasted great! Only problem was they only produced about 5 per plant. Not really sure why as they had full sun all day, and very fertile soil Maybe the variety don't produce huge amounts who knows. Look forward to seeing how they turn out for you. Star Trek gang hand sign back to you and all that
The squash are interesting. Never seen the all female cucumber here. Luke I am your salad
The lettuce should do well on your plot Adam, it's not like there's a lot of atmosphere down there. I bought the same cucumbers to grow this year whilst I was in England last August, mine didn't come with the white tape though, I feel scammed. Now where did the Rubik's Cube go?
Article 13? Thanks for the update. Always love your take on things. Enjoy the day! Catherine
and a nanu nanu to you too
Looking forward to seeing you seeds grow and produce some great vegetables.
Very good Adam. The red space lettuce should be interesting. Cheers Patrick
Hi Adam
Look forward to seeing how they turn out, I like the sound of the squash !!
Best wishes mate
i'm thinking of trying to grow Swede this year…it will probably go tit's up and a waste of time….but for godsake i'm trying.
Hi again, I'm also back for my 2nd year of growing in my greenhouse and outside. Question – Lettuce is meant to be easy to grow which I tried in my greenhouse and it went all limp. Any ideas thanks and welcome back for your new season of growing.
Good luck with all those females. Hope they turn out better than Cara. We both know what happened to our Cara's. All I can say is having that many females is gota lead to trouble at some point. Even if they are cucumbers.