March 25, 2025

VIDEO: Eggs, Rocks, and Embracing January | VLOG | Roots and Refuge

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27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Eggs, Rocks, and Embracing January | VLOG | Roots and Refuge

  1. forecast for the next week in zone 6 here is going to be -5 with a high of 6 brrr!
    Did collect 1/2 dozen eggs this morning though…The 3 laying hens started laying again ???
    Still "Chompin at the bit" to get out in the greenhouse but got about 6 weeks left to go…But… making the plan up…got a 4K HD action cam to share some videos though…now gotta read the small print with these poor "older" eyes…Get the magnifying glass out !
    Thanks for sharing…Keep smiling…it looks great on you !

  2. I’m definitely one who can’t wait to plant seeds but it’s more about missing my window of time to make sure my seedings are ready to go when they should be. I live in central Ohio and it’s so unpredictable when the frosts are done. Wish I could just know for sure when to do it all, I usually am to early but I hate being to late.

  3. Just joined your channel. Thank you for all the free information you share with every video! Most would charge for what you give so freely. You are a natural! I joined for two reasons, great value and great personality. I'm starting back at the beginning videos and working my way up. I have a small home in South Ga that I am trying to turn into a homestead so I'm sure I will be using a lot of your tips and techniques.

  4. oh girl your so right! i'm having the feeling right now. i thought the cold weather was over but is not 🙁 want spring to be here already! but your so right. we should embrace our weather no matter if is cold or hot. new subbie! i enjoy your content!! on the hunt for some cattle panels for spring! 🙂 xoxo

  5. Jess, what a good word! I needed this so much today! I’m 12 days post knee replacement surgery. Scheduled specifically for this time, knowing I’ll be 100% by spring. I’m even more anxious than normal because I have the additional pressure of rehab and achieving physical goals each day-week. You’ve given me “permission” to embrace where I am, use the “down” time to heal AND enjoy perusing the seed catalogs and rest my mind AND body. Thank you for this good word today! Blessings!

  6. Miss my garden so much. I plan it, buy seeds and now I'm drawing it. Winter review and study out were I goofed up last year. Think I'll look up garden scriptures to bless my garden with for Sunday. Sweet dreams Gardens, sleep sweet.

  7. Ecclesiastes 3:1To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven: 2a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot,…

  8. I , too, am chomping at the bit to get my garden up and running. Spring this year has a whole new meaning for me as I was diagnosed with breast cancer back in August 2018. Thankfully my surgeon got it and there isn't anymore cancer elsewhere in my body… praise be to Jesus for that. My chemotherapy treatment will be coming to an end in April and, like my flowers, I feel like my life will begin to blossom. My precious husband has been right here by my side and is going along with every crazy idea that pops into my brain. This week I'll begin tearing out old raised beds and we'll begin building better ones. My last ones consist of tree limbs/logs laid out in bed shapes and filled with a beautiful blend of compost, manure from my rabbits, and the truly abundant supply of oak leaves. They're pretty shallow, but they are beginning to rot. Until you mentioned the cost of those panels, I had no idea how inexpensive they were, so we bought eight of them. And because they were bent, TSC gave us a $5/panel discount. So, thanks so much for that. I have probably written a small book here to say thank you for the inspiration and the ideas for my garden this year. I live in zone 9b, so we get warmer a little quicker here. Today is a beautiful day and I'm eager to get started. God bless you and your beautiful family.

  9. Yes and amen! You are spot on. We are constantly living for what's down the road. Not stopping to rest, take stock of our lives and blessings, maybe a time of just preparation. I get so sad when I see everyone jumping to the next thing and the next thing and the next thing way before it's time. Thank you for this awesome reminder today

  10. I'm watching this late, but I always struggle in this in between season. When its cold, but the holidays are over I start to yearn for spring. I'm glad I'm not alone even though it is a miserable desperate 'want'. I'm focusing on being present and not wishing time away that I could be enjoying.

  11. I'm sure you already know this but you can freeze eggs. You can put them in silicone muffin tins to freeze individually or you can just break however many your family needs for a meal into a ziplock bag and freeze them.

  12. I got a rock tumbler when I was a kid and I loved it. I still have it! My parents were always getting me things that weren't just toys. I was always creating and painting plaster bugs or tumbling rocks or building a bird puppet or some kind of "weird" project and I loved it. I think it contributed to me being a good student because it peaked my interest and made me excited about learning new things. I applaud your reasoning for choosing such a gift for your kids.

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