March 19, 2025

21 thoughts on “VIDEO: A Lovely Day Out at Birmingham's Botanical Gardens

  1. Thanks for not sitting on this vid – thanks for putting it out there – Such splendid colour.. Chocolate, Banana! If I could have a hot house I'd have one for those plants!!! Birds in cages.. agree, not for our natives definitely but those that are not native.. its a shame… but they would probably not survive if let free. Some of the ground dwelling birds have enough room to scratch around in. The Victorian's built the aviaries quite tall but there is obvious restriction in flight for them. I always feel sad that they cannot just soar away. If I ever see caged birds of prey, I feel tearful. Those yobby Bonzi trees can get right out of control if not restrained ; )

  2. Thanks for this Adam – I love videos that show people's experiences, and provide a bit of educational input for us all.
    As for caging birds – I suppose it depends on what crime they've committed.
    Some of the smaller ones that might nick a bit of food, nibble on a bit of produce, crap on your car, etc. – then I agree, maybe a hard, short, sharp talking to would suffice. Maybe a bit of 'Community Service' like eating slugs might work.
    As for your habitual, hard-core, full-on crims, and I'm talking about crows, jackdaws, magpies, etc. – lock the b*ggers up and throw away the key.
    Finally, it was nice to be taken back to a time when your hair was gorgeous.
    Cheers ……… Kevin

  3. I'm not sure you were safe there. Trees and birds in prison. They must have been very bad. Lucky none escaped while you were there. It is nice to see all the flowers this time of year. Ice cream and beer? Not at the same time I hope. Best wishes Bob.

  4. Now that is what you call a real greenhouse Mr. Adam! They have a ton of awesome things growing on in there fosho! Those must cost a pretty penny to be locked up behind bars. LMBO Your greenhouse was priceless! You sure had a lot of folks visiting you today! Loved the outside tour! You been a mighty busy man revamping your plot over to all this! You-Da-Man is all I can say! Have a great week my friend!

  5. I was very excited when I saw where we were going!! Almost wet myself when the kids showed up to create a peaceful and serene environment bahahaha. I can't stand the thought of birds in cages, seems like the cruellest thing you can do to a winged creature. Love your adventures man, thanks for taking us along:))

  6. Beautiful place! Coincidentally I went to a giant greenhouse and posted a video about it today as well. Birds in cages…. it does depends of the situation. Capturing wild birds and caging them, it's a big no for me. Birds that are injured or need rehabilitation, yes. Birds bred and born in captivity, maybe, but only if they are used to educate the public about conservation and only if they have nice large habitats with lots of enrichment. I especially don't like the idea of a glass cage, they should at least be able to feel the outdoors.

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