March 26, 2025

VIDEO: Growing Hydroponic Cucumbers Indoors: From Kratky to Soil, a story of survival!

This is the Story of a cucumber plant that made it, in spite of it being my first attempt at growing cucumbers hydroponically using the Kratky method. This was at the same time I grew the tomatoes using Kratky and learned from that as well. I hope you enjoy this video and learn from my mistakes. I have a much better set up now, and will show that as the plants bear fruit.
You can find the items I use in this video on Amazon here:
Grow Lights:
Nutrients: Grow Big by Fox Farms:
MasterBlend Formula:
Rockwool Cubes:
Clay Pebbles:
Mason Jars (make sure they are wide mouth):
Net Cups 3 inch:
Grow Lights:
Growing Trays:

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Growing Hydroponic Cucumbers Indoors: From Kratky to Soil, a story of survival!

  1. I have a small veg garden. But today I decided to switch some of them to this method. I have 20 numbers of 14 gallon (50 litres) cans..

    Please give me instructions to prepare the solution…

    As I have an opeque container so I need extra whole to check the water level and refilling.

    I got that point about the gap between plant and water.. is there need any provision for air circulation..

    Madhu Sreedharan
    Love from India…

  2. Thank you for sharing this video. I bought Diva slicing non-GMO, open-pollinated parthenocarpic seeds and set the plant on a 9-gallon styrofoam box in my backyard (fish container from our sushi restaurant). I also use Fox Farm 3-2-6 NPK. It is hot and dry here in So. California so the styrofoam box outside should prevent the nutrients from warming up. I am also growing 3 sweet pepper plants in the same container. I recently installed an air pump to ensure the roots get oxygen.

    The cucumber plant is growing very fast but just like your experience, the female flowers dry out and stop growing. The packet says "plants are gynoecious (all-female) and parthenocarpic (grow fruits without pollination)." Because of this, I covered my planting area with a mosquito net to prevent pests and even bees to pollinate. Now I am wondering if I should hand pollinate – all of what I've read about parthenocarpic seeds say we should not allow pollination as it may cause the fruit to be bitter and misshapen. Any thoughts or ideas why the fruits just die away? Thank you!

  3. Such a great video. This is shows how important those little insects for our balanced ecosystem. This is why I never add weedicides or pesticides to my plants or lawn.

  4. Wow i'm amazed at your patience. Mine produced cucumbers as of week 5! It was a self pollinating variety (katrina cucumber) but i quickly realized that something was wrong. One plant made all female flowers but the other all male! And I had to pollinate even though it was a pathogenic cucumber. All in all i've harvested about 10 cucumbers until the plant got to big for it's pot. The next one will be in a deep water system.

  5. I love your videos. Can you do one on what plants you think give the best return emotionally and in terms of time and space. I have had good success with a Japanese climbing cuke outside and indoors in soil and hope to try it with the hydroponics.

  6. I will try that in early summer. I guess indoor gardening and indoor hydroponics with my new LED grow light will be even more successfull than the plants on my 2 m² Balcony with north-north-east view.

  7. I love your videos and always refer my friends to them. I had one question for you. How much do you spend on powering these lights and how many do you have at any given time? This has always been a concern of mine.

  8. I am absolutely amazed every time I watch one of your videos and see the wealth of knowledge that you share. Thank you so much for this. This would have taken years for me to accumulate and you have it all in your videos condensed into less than 15 minutes.

  9. Thank you for sharing your wisdom in your channel. Well I just tried cucumber for salad. My seedlings are very leggy. The fact about male and female flowers are new to me. Thank you for.this profound video.
    Blessimgs from Austria

  10. I've spend tons of money and from my experience most places that sell you cucumber seed and claim all female flowers tend to lie (perhaps not all but majority), usually true parthenocarpic seeds are much more ($$) from my research the only ones i have witnessed to be true parthenocarpic are Picolino f1 OG by johnny's seeds but they also have a breed called excelsior F1 OG that i will be growing indoors under an led (new light i got) and a 2×4 tent to see what i can produce under 300W of LED lights (i will attempt to document and post in few months from now). I did get some Diva Slicing Cucumbers that stated Parthenocarpic and high yield but i don't believe they are parthenocarpic due to the pricing. I paid $24 for 50 Picolino seeds while the Excelsior was $12.85 for 50 seeds as for the Diva i got me 250 seeds for only $8.50 which tells me that Divas are most likely not a true Parthenocarpic Cucumber breed however they may be a higher yielding of female flowers but now I'm just speculating. i hope this helps you on next times purchase of parthenocarpic cucumber seeds.

    Here is the link where i got them

    Also i find this to be very helpful with my garden

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