March 26, 2025

VIDEO: Did I Finally Get a GIRL? | MORE New Baby Goats – Cuteness Overload | Roots and Refuge

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26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Did I Finally Get a GIRL? | MORE New Baby Goats – Cuteness Overload | Roots and Refuge

  1. Vasoline, not Gasoline is petroleum based, I have been out there during the birthing process in nine degree weather, put the gasoline on your own nose, chin, and hands. It's good to put on your does after milking in freezing temps, too.
    Congratulations on your new babies, a girl….smiles

  2. I love the way you love..I feel it..I feel your happy..I feel your energy. Like a cool drink of water on a hot day your energy re-energized my own. I love hanging out with you Miss Jess, Miah too. I was tempted to say, I wish you were my neighbor but then I thought to myself..This may sound wonky but I think it would be a better to become the neighbor people wish they had.
    I thank you for all you do, for all the inspiration you grow in your garden, your children and your four leggeds.
    Bright blessings be yours this and everyday

  3. Oh! They are sooo cute! Congratulations on the new kids, and on finally getting your baby girl! I held and cuddled my daughters new female baby goat yesterday, and it was such a precious experience! Enjoy!

  4. Visiting a friend and was updating her on some new gardening channels and such. I had shared a few of your videos and first thing she asked was how is that nice girl with the nose ring doing? I said they just had baby goats and recanted the video of when you checked on the first two baby goats to make sure the white one was doing okay! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  5. Cuteness! Those does seem to wait until we "helpers" are not around. Glad you got a doeling. Got my first one this January. All boys last year. Mom is Ginger. Girl is Cookie. Dad named boy Oreo. Congrates again. Hope your cross works.

  6. Hi, I know this video is old, but I waa wondering if you guys disbud your kids? Why it why not? I'm actually gonna get a few dairy goats but am scared to disbud our future herd, just need some insight.

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