In this video I’m afraid that I’m going to bore you with my seed potato choice, I’ve tried to make it exciting… but it’s seed potatoes, so… you know.
Ooh – I do discuss my true potato seeds – now they are more interesting. So if seed potatoes are your thing, then this video might be for you. If not… I’ll be doing another video fairly soon.
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I see you still have your old SBS jumper good memory too
I saved a bunch of small potatoes from last year's garden. They are getting squishy but have lots of sprouts. Is it okay to plant squishy potatoes? I am also wondering if size matters, they are pretty small.
Nice to see you thinking about the potatoes, I was just soaking my first set of annual seeds for indoor sowing.
Cool spud vid Adam! Several funny little moments mate lol…
I was just about to ask about her TPS! Love the varieties you folks have access to! I hope you have a great year with them buddy:))
Hi mate. Some great spuds there. Interested to see how the TPS potatoes get on. Take care. Nick
Cool looking market ya have over there Mr. Adam. Taters and onions fixing to get planted up sounds good to me! Git-R-Done buddy and hope you have a great week!
Hope those work out for you a little better this year. I have leeks working. Onion seeds are in also as well as asparagus.
They wont be available here for another month at least. I have to plant my potato seeds from Terry.. You just reminded me… I am with you on onion sets creatures eat mine if I start from seed.
Tat shot or the spuds early on made me spit my coffee
i picked up some Rocket the other day, first time growing them. im trying onion sets this year.
There is always such jealousy here when I see these potato videos. We don't have the selection that you all have available and we pay a great deal more. If I order potatoes by mail, there is also postage, and a "pot" that size would probably be about 18.00 or more, plus the postage! And I guess you would also so, we only have main crops here as well. Thanks for sharing! Enjoy the day! Catherine
Good video mate. We only get our spuds in greenhouse nursery's in prepackaged bags. Not the best selection method if you get bad ones. I would rather get mine like you have. The seed spuds I grow are from a grower's farm in Alberta Canada. Lots of choice.
No bait needed lol. Appreciate the impeccable timing of cuts there, and the POV master strikes again. Lots to choose from on that stall. PBA's TPS have really worked out!
That's quite good value for money, I can't buy them like that in my area (south east). I have left Kestrel volunteers in the ground for the last 2 seasons and had really good results (under old woodchip) No blight yet touch wood. Thanks for the vid
Haha, potato videos are the blind bag reveals for adults!
You handled your three potatoes really well Adam and I bought 12 Rocket tubers for £1.50 at our Allotment shop, the rest are shown on tonights upload. Enjoy growing them my friend.
Just started chitting mine I’ve never seen them in pick n mix style in my town, just end up getting them from nets in Wilko instead. How do the costs compare bearing in mine it’s Wilko I’m talking about and not John Lewis lol
Like your videos
you must have looked a bit funny holding the bag of potatoes out of the garden center like that lol
Hi Adam, I agree with you that Sarpo Mira doesn't have much flavour. For her, who must be obeyed is very precise on what she likes and does not like so I stick to the Nadine and Cara. Have always given a good crop except for last year when the yield was down, size OK just the quantity not there. You grew those last year, how did they turn out? Join the club on growing onions from seed can't do it. Tried again this year useless. If I grew nothing else onions is the crop my good lady wants me to grow.
Looking forward to seeing progress on the true potatoes. Take care, Mike.
Do you have any recommendations for someone trying to grow potatoes for the first time? I tried year before last and all my potatoes caught a blight and died. I can grow sweet potatoes no problem but regular potatoes are another kind of animal. Lol
Good day to you my gardening friend, excellent choice in seed potatoes and onions set that your growing this season Adam !! Thanks for sharing
Hello Adam lovely video. Happy gardening
I live in Central Florida and potatoes seem to love it. I grow them year round. Great video, thanks for sharing.