That was a good shot of that beetle, Adam. It's interesting to see how different creatures move about. Great "cat's eye" view.Thanks for sharing. Catherine
Arhhhhhh A May bug (lady bird on steriods !) I know the Cats feeling. I hate these things my parents house is right next to a river and a Canal. These things used to emerge and hit the back door (glass and wood ) and it scared the living day light out of me ! Am so glad you don't really have them in Scotland (that i have found !)
Aw bless. How ya doing mate? Looking forward to more spectacular camera light & magic from you this season.
That is a grown up Chafer grub ! Stamp on it !
A-one for getting that shot!!!! Fantastic Adam, a Beetle's-world view ; )
I'm sorry Adam but everyone wants to know. Where did you find and how did you know you had them?
Great spot and nice footage. Cheers.
That was a good shot of that beetle, Adam. It's interesting to see how different creatures move about. Great "cat's eye" view.Thanks for sharing. Catherine
LOL That was too funny. Cat strolls in "What's ya doin?"
Well dang! I thought for sure the kitty was gonna get it. To funny!
Loose the bug…keep the kitty. Nice footage. Thanx for posting.
Excellent filming Adam, the cat looked horrified….lol.
hes a big un. Glad the cat didnt eat him
awesome video !! awesome looking beetle !! now i know wear the saying scaredy cat come from……lol
Cockchafer….. sounds like when you forget to wear underwear on a summers day…. great vid!!
love these little guys!!
Arhhhhhh A May bug (lady bird on steriods !) I know the Cats feeling. I hate these things my parents house is right next to a river and a Canal. These things used to emerge and hit the back door (glass and wood ) and it scared the living day light out of me ! Am so glad you don't really have them in Scotland (that i have found !)
Hi Adam, great filming getting a beetle eye view. Take care. Nick