June 28, 2024

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: The Weirdest Sounds Ever

  1. Sounds like an old Pink Floyd favourite of mine, 'Several species of small furry mammals grooving in a cave with a pict'. Maybe that's how they did it, sounds bloody similar!

  2. Wonder if our voices sound more like roars to them? Definitely a kind of Clangeresque thing with Whale tones to it. Its great when we discover intriguing things by accident. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  3. Adam… whilst your doing that ask your government if im am still allowed entry to the UK with all the other undesirables.. ie Donald Trump… and a certain IS woman terrorist now wanting entry !!…."on ya bike lady"

  4. Very cool!!! We have a rookery in the trees bounding the golf course just over the road from us, and sometimes they make noises I’ve honestly never heard come from a bird before. I’ll have to try and capture it next time I hear it.

  5. I did this a few years ago.
    I have lots of musician friends so I thought it would be neat to slow down the sounds. I have them on my Instagram page from years ago.

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