June 28, 2024

30 thoughts on “VIDEO: Live Q & A with Roots and Refuge!

  1. Love your vlog as usual and chuckling along 😀 Jess your super power is gardening but I am as much a nerd as Miah, love sci-fi, watch it , read it, dream it lol The no till gardening is much better, you do not disturb the natural life cycle in the soil which prefers, no air and sun. If your soil gets hard DO NOT use a fork but put some earthworm compost on top, no need to mix it in, just put mulch on top and in no time your soil will be soft again. The only thing you use your fork for, is drawing patterns in your Zen garden sand 😉

  2. You sound congested!  Hope you feel better soon!  My Mother in Law was told by a German doctor – back in the '40's – about gargling with a cup of warm water and one teaspoon each of vinegar, salt and peroxide.  It will sooth your throat and help get the gunk out of it! 🙂  She was a homesteader in Virginia!  Well, she grew food for her 12 children, raised cows, pigs, chickens, horses and they would go fishing.  What a wonderful lady she was!  She lived to be 95.

  3. SUGGESTION: Put your wood chips down on that watermelon garden area for one year. They were fresh and not even broken down. I let them break down while I used them on the ground. I did that and I had 4-6 inches of soft black fertile mud a year later. The mud was even deeper in some areas and it was like walking on deep carpet. I did have potted plants there so the space was being used while I was waiting. I got some used blow mold pots and bot a few more knowing it was just temporary. I planted my basil straight in the ground with a few rabbit pellets and they grew to be as tall as my chest. (I let them go to seed for the bees) I had them in between my tomatoes that were in pots. I had the least amount of pest problems with tomatoes that I have ever had. I mean like an 80 percent reduction in pests. Also my watermelon absolutely loved it and sprawled out sinking roots in the ground where I had not put any manure or pellets. I got about 12 watermelons per vine of Charleston Gray watermelons.

  4. You can chop/dice and freeze onions before they get too bad. I do this when they are on sale. I chop and freeze green peppers, onions, tomatoes, and carrots. Love you can’t eat the grass….the snow up there is ridiculous! I will check out Stivers Homestead. I use leaves for mulch and in my compost.

  5. Look into Goldenpaste, it may help with your allergies, it is an excellent anti-inflammitory for the entire body, but also helps with allergies we have found. It is a mixture with coconut oil, turmeric and black pepper. There is a specific recipe if you are interested I can lead you to a reputable source for how to make and use it. I use it for my chronic pain and the high blood pressure I used to have prior to using golden paste. For acute allergy situations and for family members that don't use golden paste we have an herbal supplement, it's effective and fast (it's actual herbs in a gelcap) I can get you the name of it as well if you want. Ohhh and stinging nettle tea, excellent source of nutrients and helps many with their seasonal allergies.

  6. Jess how do you keep that top layer of compost from burning the seeds? What keeps your hay/ straw from seeding and growing those plants or weeds. When I tried to use straw or hay those seeds grew and took over the garden. Took a few years to get it out

  7. Hi Jess. Just watching the video where you said you had a lot of allergies and you use essential oils. I use Young Living oils lavender lemon and peppermint for my allergies. I used to end up in the hospital at least once a year or more and now I haven't been to the hospital for allergy or allergy related issues in several years since using those oils. I put them on the bottom of my feet or up by my throat wrist whatever. I hope this helps you as well

  8. Sorry you get ugly comments about tattoos and Miah about wearing tank tops. I love how you say to your kids that you aren't ugly people (I have started using that with my kids) because those kind of things do make people an ugly person.

  9. Hey Jess vitamin is very important and most of us are lacking. I know your outside alot but your arms and feet need to be exposed to the sun and even after that we are still lacking what we need. Your best bet is to have blood work done and know your number then supplement accordingly. If you and Mia are lacking your kids probably are too.as always talk it over with your doctor. Love all that you, Mia, and the boys do. Thanks for sharing your life with us! Much love to all of you!

  10. I love Breath from Doeterra. I use the oils as well.
    You need some elderberry bushes, dry the elderberries and cook them down then strain and add cinnamon, cloves, ginger, and local honey. Put in the fridge only good for a few months. Great immune support

  11. I'd love to help you build a business with essential oils! I'd be honored to partner with you and help you navigate that road. I LOVE how you share your story and you have been a big inspiration to me in the garden!

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