In this video, I show you my 10 top organic ways to get rid of pests in your garden. There’s no need for harsh pesticides or chemicals just these simple tips to grow lots of fruit and vegetables!
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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane – the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started Self Sufficient Me in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let’s get into it! Cheers, Mark
How often do you spray your plants with the spray you made? Meaning when you see the pest there do you spray weekly? And do you have to spray off the solution after you spray it on?
Wow!Great job,thank you
Hi Mark, catapillars are eating my eggplant trees I’ve sprayed with eco oil & pyrethrum but every morning there’s more of the plant eaten, what can I do. Thanks Mark
Always enjoy watching your informative videos. Keep up the great work and stay safe. Seeing alot of injustices being committed against Australians!! DO NOT TAKE THE SHOTS that are being forced upon everyone!!! God Bless!!
Am Ugandan (East Africa) this side we have alot of pets which can not be killed by the organic pets said

God bless you.
I'm just wondering if you have used Diatomaceous Earth for pests.
The Vaso actually worked great at preventing ant/aphids to set up house on our naval orange tree.
Need a hat
I’ve yet to stop loads of monkeys
I really enjoy your videos. I find Worm tea made from Vermicomposting as a spay on pesticide, works very well. Also gives nutrients to the plants at the same time.
The delicate approval ethnopharmacologically deserve because grouse phongsaly greet next a homely energy. trashy, sulky comma
I live very close to a river and have a tremendous snail problem! I'm talking hundreds of snails are collected from our yard every night.
Does anyone have any organic control suggestions for such a huge snail problem other than manually removing them every night?
The Dutch way: hang a picture of your mother in the garden. Then you know for sure that no more insects will come.
I got huntsmen's in my gardens, creepy looking yes, but harmless to us if we leave them alone and they do wonders for eating bad bugs
and with the huntsmen's i now get bluies (lizards) too that not so much eat the spiders but the snails 
There are two other ways… Using Beer in a shallow container at the base of each plant, mostly for green leafy plants like spinach and lettuce. Even better is Diatomaceous Earth which is a organic fine white powder that you can use a special blower applicator to blow it onto any plant or trees. The way it works to kill pest is it dries out all the water in their bodies, and they die. Also, you can buy the organic edible Diatomaceous Earth which is very beneficial for people to eat in small quantities. While it does kill bugs it does not have the same affect on humans. Read up on it, you will be surprised. I buy it by the 50 pound bag, which is not expensive…
It is my dream to have a mango tree! Only problem is I am Canadian living in zone 6b.
Thanks Mark , you're giving us an education and a laugh at the same time… your work ethic mate.
Keep up the great work , it is very much appreciated.
My grandma would use chilly pepper water with dish soap
Love Your Videos Mark
Thankyou I'm going to try the oil and soap mix on my vegies. I had something eating my lettuce. Usually I don't use anything just fish emulsion. My friend gave me an organic chilli spray from Bunnings but reading the label you can't use on Lettuce or Capsicum. As for scaring birds away my friend made some spinners from drink cans. Usually 2 or 3 in a row separated by beads with fishing line, he slices the cans down the side, to me they look like little spaceships. I spray them shiny silver and the birds hate them. They will spin different directions, on one he even recycled an old record and so far the various birds stay away as I'm in a complex we have a pigeon problem so it's been working for months.
Every hard rubbish time, my wife is on the prowl for people chucking out their old bird cages. She uses them to cover plants she’s trying to keep beasties away from.
Man ur amazing! Thanks for the gold!
thats really great information. Thanks for this. Our animals in the UK might be different but their methods and consequent damage is the same
Thank you for your videos!! How did you get that awesome scar on your arm?
Just watched one of your shows and you were replying to a negative comment from Chris. I know everyone is entitled to their own view point but from the looks of the comments I have been reading you have no reason to respond to the negative as some amazing comments like being referred to as Steve Irwin should remind you that you are fantastic. Even if I hold no interest in something you are showing I believe you have a voice like David Attenborough and it's very calming just to listen regardless of content.