March 27, 2025

VIDEO: Plant the Spring Veggies With Us! | Gardening VLOG | Roots and Refuge

The Plant Markers I’m Using:

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27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Plant the Spring Veggies With Us! | Gardening VLOG | Roots and Refuge

  1. I love when you go in depth and step-by-step. I used to garden with my grandfather when I was a child, but by 13yo we'd moved away and I've forgotten a lot. I appreciate the refresher and the tips and tricks. Thank you!

  2. Iove your thoroughness & information I now understand how exciting it is to watch little one's get so excited about seeing seeds coming up threw the ground. My oldest grandson helped me plant a bunch of stuff last week. He came back yesterday and was so excited when I showed him his veggie seedlings in our cold frame & a couple of the beds.

  3. I've often taken photos with my cell phone to help preserve my memory, but I've never considered making a short video! Genius! Now I am off to video how to properly thread my sewing machine…

  4. I Love your channel. Thank you for all the information. I am going to use the cattle fencing for a trellis the area I’m putting my garden I get west winds. Which direction would you suggest I put them up. I’m new to trellis gardening. Bless you and your family.

  5. Hey Jess, I know that you probably don't want to hear this, but you are so much more beautiful with curly hair. God designed your face to go with curly locks.
    Equidistant spacing of seeds is a much more effective method when growing in raised beds.
    Great video with you milking the cow at the Rhodes!

  6. Your videos are gold!
    I’m a new gardener and I have learned more from your videos then my own google search (thanks to ADHD, I get distracted easily)
    You somehow capture my attention and I learn so much from your talks!!!!

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