March 20, 2025

VIDEO: Building & Maintaining A Composting Toilet Part 2

Learn about the fascinating history of composting human manure and how to build and maintain a composting toilet. From the most basic design to a fully portable two seater bathroom on wheels, discover the important details you need to know to do it right and keep it odor free. Richard Freudenberger and Ned Ryan Doyle (both formerly of Mother Earth News) take us through all the key steps in the process of building a composting toilet system and show us their newly built and designed portable unit complete with a sink, solar panels, fan, light and more. Get inspired to build your own composting toilet system in this insightful workshop. In part 2, we start indoors with Richard opening up a discussion on the reasons one might build a composting toilet.

5 thoughts on “VIDEO: Building & Maintaining A Composting Toilet Part 2

  1. Commercial compost toilets complicate the process. A 5 gallon bucket in a homemade frame used with sawdust, leaves or dirt works fine for us. No cost, no expensive repairs and no water waste. And we get exercise every day emptying the bucket. Keeping it simple is a natural process that works well since it's been tried and proven true.Why those that can manage it are not allowed to is beyond me.

  2. Throwing away toilet paper was for people with bad pipes or they thought it would fill the septic faster; trying to save money by not having to drain the septic as much. Saw this mostly because n poor neighborhoods in the mountains/ hills.

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