February 28, 2025

VIDEO: Quick Easy Growing Mesclun Gourmet Mix of Baby Greens Lettuce: But is it really a Gourmet Mix?

These were quick to grow, and delicious, but not the Mesclun Gourmet Mix I had anticipated. The package listed 7 varieties of lettuce and baby greens, but what grew did not look like 7 varieties! They were eaten and enjoyed nonetheless!

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Quick Easy Growing Mesclun Gourmet Mix of Baby Greens Lettuce: But is it really a Gourmet Mix?

  1. Oh my gosh; I just realized what happenef! My first YouTube videos were about how to grow micro greens and that’s where I got this idea of covering them up while they germinate to simulate dirt conditions.

    So this is why I keep growing leggy lettuces that flop over on the thinnest, weakest stalks! ** I need to treat them DIFFERENTLY!!!**

    Thank you so much for pointing out the difference in light, how to get one result versus the other, and the situational un/desirability of legginess, between micro greens and fully grown plants.

    You rock!

  2. I have tried this mix from several different companies, I have never had more than three varieties come up and one was always dominant. I thought I was doing something wrong, guess not.

  3. I grew a cheap packet and it looked so strange like weeds that I was afraid to eat them, lol. So now I'm trying and again and looking to see what everyone else's looks like.

  4. Just harvested my first mesculan mix! I was pretty happy with the variety, but there's definitely one green in there that's pretty spicy/bitter! It was quite a surprise!❤

  5. I am finding a lot of lettuce varieties do not do well for cut and come again farming. I too had a mix and was disappointed. From here on out, I am buying a straight variety seed. Then I will know what the variety is and if I like it or not. If you buy a mix, some will grow and some will not and you never know which was the good one.

  6. Great video! Thank you for sharing. I am new to planting veggies and I started with this same mix and it wasn't until after the fourth week that I started to see some changes in the leaves and coloring. They also received more sun after the fourth week. I am excited to grow these again using your method!

  7. I planted a 1020 tray of the same lettuce. Mine looks like yours so guess i might as well eat them and plant something else. Are yours kinda limpy? I know I"ve had this variety before and had many different varieties.

  8. If you examine your seed pack you will see the variety of seeds. The one variety that sprouted for you was most conducive to your greenhouse environment. It’s had nothing to do with a lack of variety in the seed pack. If you follow the directions on the seed package for sowing, you will likely have better variety results.

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