March 18, 2025

VIDEO: Turning Compost into High Quality Potting Mix with 4 Ingredients

We are turning out compost into a high quality potting mix that will grow our plants well and give them the jump start to the growing season that they need to do well. We do more than, JUST, YouTube!
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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Turning Compost into High Quality Potting Mix with 4 Ingredients

  1. I like using vermiculite but I reuse the mix in planter boxes for all my planting. I read that some small amount of arsenic is allowed in vermiculite and I wonder about arsenic building up in my mix over time as I will reuse the mix for years. I use perlite, (and coir,) to compensate, but don't like it as well. I also add a number of other things including purchased compost and worm castings. I wonder if you have any views on the arsenic issue.

  2. I would think if you are paying property tax you can do what you want in your yard. I see properties with nothing short of a junk yard along with a house in desperate need of new siding, yet gardening is a problem? Not on my watch. Im getting chickens too so they will have a problem with me because I am not going to just keep my mouth shut.

  3. Using outdoor compost for your indoor transplants is not recommended, specifically for the smell, the bugs, fungus and mold contained in the soil…you should know better. Just buy a $5 bag of soil to transplant into until it can safely be planted outdoors.

  4. The only reason the gov doesn't want you to have a greenhouse is the government doesn't like it when Citizens are self sufficient, the government want you to depend upon them for everything. I'm surprised they let you have a garden inside the city limits. Another reason why we have a homestead in the country. No bureaucracy to put up with. Love your channel.

  5. I'm using my city (Los Angeles) "green waste" trash bin (2'x4') for my compost pile. 3 wks now & breaking down pretty good & steaming in middle. Made up of brown pine tree needles, shredded office paper, shredded cardboard, newspaper, clipping from plants/shrubs, bananas & their peels, but no other food. Can I add worms, if so where…top middle or bottom? And since it is plastic bottom/enclosed with exception of lid that basically sits on top not airtight so assume plenty of air for them. Also, I bought bag of compost to use now but was wondering if i can add that my unfinished compost bin? Than you

  6. I see in many people suggest to mix compost with 50% peat moss and add garden lime to neutralize the ph? Would you please explain which one is the best potting mix? Also, should we mix with some garden soil as well for micronutrients? I am a container gardener but oftentimes get frustrated with the mix! Personally, I prefer not to use commercial mix! Thanks a lot!

  7. Hi there, I love your channel! It’s super helpful while learning how to garden. Can you use this soil in raised beds ? Don’t know if it’s different than “potting mix” since beds are still containers. Please help! 🙂

  8. Just wonderful, I been tryin to find out about "how can i fertilize my soil at home?" for a while now, and I think this has helped. Have you heard people talk about – Fonillian Uncomplex Future – (just google it )?
    It is a great one off product for growing up to 10 times more produce using aquaponics without the normal expense. Ive heard some amazing things about it and my cousin got amazing results with it.

  9. You could still have a green house… make it a part of your own home and call it a sunroom. City hall can't make you taredown apart of your own home or any extension on to your home

  10. Literally EVERYONE who watches this video should email your town/city council and complain. Give me an email and I'll do it right now. Heck, even give us a generic form letter you want sent, and we'll copy/paste it. Bloody imbeciles.

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